Matt Hamilton

Notion Social Content Planner - The ultimate dashboard for content creators

Create and manage your social media content for all platforms with ease. With this Notion template, you can easily create content, manage your posting schedule, organize your content, brainstorm ideas using Notion AI, and save swipe files for inspiration.

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Matt Hamilton
Hello again everyone πŸ‘‹ A little backstory: 1 year ago I posted my first Notion template for sale: the Social Media Manager template. Today, I've released the Social Content Planner as Notionland's first purchasable Notion template. This workspace is a combination of my learnings from building products over the last year, along with Notion's newest and most impressive features (including Notion AI). If you're a creator that deals with: - Unorganized content - No consistent schedule - Needing creative inspiration Then I'd recommend this template for you. With it you can: βœ… Craft content βœ… Create a posting schedule βœ… Focus on your goals βœ… Use 6x post templates for major platforms βœ… Save swipe files βœ… Organize content by platform βœ… Use Notion AI for idea inspiration Bottom line: use this if you want to really get things done. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you ahead of time for any support. I hope you enjoy and have a great weekend! - Matt
Congrats on the launch. I have a couple free templates from you and they ate top notch.
Matt Hamilton
@michal_codes β€˜Preciate that Michal!
Swapnil Girase
Really commendable to mention efforts put in to simply fi our lives.
Matt Hamilton
@swapnil_girase Much appreciated πŸ™Œ
Thalita Carvalho
Congratulations on the launch! The templates look amazing! I like that they are in dark mode, it makes it so much easier to see properly!
Matt Hamilton
@thalitacarvalho much appreciated Thalita!
Hugo DEVEZE πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
I started publishing on LinkedIn so cool to find your tool in this moment
Matt Hamilton
@devezehugo Love to hear that, let me know how things go!
Fabiana Cabral
Christopher Basurto
Congrats on the launch! Great work like usual! Thanks!
Matt Hamilton
@christopher_basurto Thanks Christopher πŸ‘
Flore Llorens
Matt's templates are so usefull, I just can't work whithout. How did I do before ?
Matt Hamilton
@flore_llorens that means a lot Flore thank you πŸ™Œ
Niaz Ahmad
Useful tool
Amin Boulouma
πŸ‘ Well done! πŸ’« Remarkable accomplishment! 🐦 Let's hook up!