Tem Nugmanov

Notionery - Discover the latest Notion templates, products, and more


Notionery curates the very best Notion templates, products, and creators. The website includes:
πŸ›’ Premium Notion Template Marketplace
πŸ–₯️ Notion Website Showcase
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Notion Consultant Directory
πŸ“₯ Weekly Notion Newsletter

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Cole Ryan
Thanks for the hunt @temirlan! We’ve been looking forward to this day for a while. I'm excited to introduce Notionery 2.0 and share what we've been building with the Product Hunt community. There's a lot going on in the world of Notion. At Notionery, we want to help you get the most out of Notion – by curating and highlighting only the very best Notion templates, products, and creators we can find. This includes: πŸ›’ Premium Notion Template Marketplace (40+ unique templates) πŸ–₯️ Notion Website Showcase (40+ website examples) πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Notion Consultant Directory (5+ experts) πŸ“₯ Weekly Notion Newsletter (9+ newsletter issues) Our goal is twofold - one, we want to support Notion product makers in their creative process, spotlight their creations, and foster a community. On the other end, we believe Notion empowers everyone to work in a more thoughtful, meaningful way. Our goal is to help you – whether you're an entrepreneur, student, or someone using Notion in their everyday life – to get the most out of Notion. We also have a treat: we've hand-picked 8 templates from the best creators featured on Notionery, and we're offering the pack for free to fellow Product Hunters. Just subscribe to our newsletter to receive the pack https://notionery.substack.com Notionery is under active development and there's a lot more to come. We hope you'll join us on the journey of exploring the Notion universe. We are here all day, and if you're a template maker, or just a Notion fan, please reach out to us anytime on Twitter - really excited to hear your feedback!
Jacob Steinhardt
Feels like Christmas with all the options thanksssss 🌲
Stan Chernitckii
Very soft, flat and nicely coloured design of your gallery. Using notion all the time, including yesterday’s launch! Always wanted to change standard notion themes and colours. Does your gallery has themes list for Notion?
Nife Oluyemi
With lots of people using notion for websites now, this will be a helpful starting point for both inspiration, and actually building notion websites. I personally use notion for my personal website (nifeoluyemi.com) Some other cool Nigerian projects use Notion for their landing pages (Feminist Coalition - feministcoalition2020.com , transfers.africa ) Awesome project. Congratulations on 2.0 launch πŸš€
Rachit Nigam
Notion is like a lifesaver, using it most of the time. Your Templates are really nice. Very clean and clear designs. Congratulations!!
Sarah Allali
Ok, that's definitely the best day of the week. Was looking for neat template since sooo long. Very good job here!
Ari Cohen
Super clean and simple to use, love it!
Rakesh Kumar Shakelli
Nice design and art work that is a combination of skill and attitude. I invite all to visit my design work https://www.valuelabs.com/servic... to share your feedback
Oliver Parker
Fantastic product - beautifully executed! Many congrats to the launch, @colejryan! I really enjoy the clutter-less design of the site providing a neat overview. The space of really good Notion templates has grown so much recently so it's a great approach to provide guidance. Just submitted our humble product for founders to your site (with a bit of extra commission): https://founderathome.com/products Keep the great work up! Love to hear from you soon how it is going.
nice collection with awesome design
Tom Panos
Big fan of the templates. I'm excited to try the automations @colejryan!!!