
Nice To Hunt You - A simple way to network with other Product Hunters 😸


A simple way to network with other product hunters. Subscribe to get a weekly email introduction to a fellow Product Hunt member

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Ryan Hoover
Cool idea, @tonixx! Just signed up. We see a lot of people meet on PH, often exchanging emails or Twitter accounts to DM each other privately. We haven't announced this publicly (so keep on the DL) but we're introducing private 1-on-1 and group chat soon. 😉 cc @vesln
@rrhoover Thx for signing up Ryan! It's an honor to have you on-board! I hope you get to meet the co-founder of your next startup :)
Hi there! I want to ask you something: how many members of this community have you networked with? Currently there's no way for product hunters to connect with other members of the community. Even more, there's no system in place to encourage connections between fellow Product Hunt members. I wanted to make a simple site that facilitates networking between product hunters, and after some research I've found Kismet, a project that did that but for the HackerNews community. Using the same approach, I've built the ProductHunt version over the weekend. NiceToHuntYou matches product hunters based on their needs and abilities. Please try it and let me know if the first introduction you get is a match for you ... I'm still tweaking the system, so please be gentle :) Even if only 2 members start working together because of this site, then my weekend hasn't been wasted. Happy hunting everyone! PS: Mark Hunter is a fictive person, so don't try to hunt him :)
Vineet Gupta
@tonixx This looks very promising. I was looking for hunters on PH & you have created this. Thank you so much. I'll appreciate if I get help in promoting my product on PH :)
@vineet18del Thank you Vineet! Hope to facilitate lots of connections via NiceToHuntYou :)
Kaushik Thirthappa
@tonixx Nice idea. Signing up. Can you move the site to HTTPS?
@ktkaushik Thx man! This is a very small project. Why do you think HTTPS is required?
Kaushik Thirthappa
@tonixx I am entering my data. Name and e-mail. HTTPS would definitely be needed.
Jeremy Phelps
I built the same thing for Hacker News members a few months ago: . It's cool to see the model work in a different community!
@remyphelps Kismet was my inspiration when building NiceToHuntYou. Thank you Jeremy!
Trevor Owens
Hello! My ProductHunt username is @TO and the website says my username is not valid :(
@to Sorry about that Trevor! I didn't know there were users with less than 3 chars so I had a check in place for that. I've removed it and should work fine now. Please retry and let me know:
Trevor Owens
@tonixx just tried again, I get a bug. It loads my producthunt profile instead of the "one more step email" thing.
@to It's 100% fixed now! The 3 character check was in another place also. Sorry about that! Please retry and let me know:
Trevor Owens
@tonixx worked for me this time. Cheers!
Dre Durr💡
There are a few different slack & Instagram groups that hunters use currently. I like this as an additional channel to talk to hunters. DAMN AUTOCORRECT: Telegram Dope🚬
Krishaan Khubchand
@dredurr would you be able to share some links to those groups? :P
@dredurr I think you meant Slack & Telegram, not Instagram :) Feel free to share those groups
Arsalan Sajid
Looks nice, will be using it for coming product launches.
@arsalan_sajid Thank you, thank you! :)
Karl Taylor
Love the idea, but I think it needs fine tuning. I got 3 emails to 'confirm my email address'. And then also got 2 weekly match emails one after the other. I like intro's like this since they're similar to how you are introduced on Angel. However I don't like a messy inbox ☹️
@karltaylor_ Sorry about all this Karl! I've fixed the multiple confirmation bug and also the 2 weekly match problem. I hope at least one match was good! :)
dimitar inchev
Just signed up. Love the whole flow of how you lead the user trough the different steps of registering.
@idmtr Thx Dimi! Yes, I've iterated through couple of version until I got to this one. I still have some tweaks in mind :)
Ali Siam
Great work @tonixx!! My first email was someone that actually matches with my current needs! Sent them an email now I wait with my coffee :D
@ali_siam Thx! :) Yah, the algorithm matches users based on their needs and abilities. I'm sure your next recommendations will be as good :)
Ali Siam
@tonixx I wanted to ask you how do you manage to send emails but the "FROM" address is the other person not from nice to hunt you?
@ali_siam It's really simple. In PHP you just replace the from address: @mail("", "[NiceToHuntYou] Contact", $message, "From:\r\n" ."Reply-To:\r\n" ."X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
@ali_siam Happy to help! :)
Tyler Lastovich
Nice idea! How about a few more categories to cover things that aren't maker specific such as investments, intros, monetization, or product management?
@tylerlastovich Thanks Tyler! I've received couple more requests for new categories so I'll see which is the best approach for adding them since the existing users haven't added the new categories to their profiles. Thinking...
Sebastián Álvarez
Love the idea! Wont add my e-mail because I know I wont open them :/
@sap_uy Thx! Here's another reason for signing up: there's also a surprise inside the weekly email, in addition to the user that best matches your needs :)
Vivek Jaiswal
@sap_uy @tonixx actually the surprise is a nice twist! wasn't expecting that. With your permission, I will copy that idea in my newsletter too 🙏🏼
@vivek_jaiswal Sure :) What is the name/site of your newsletter?
Vivek Jaiswal
@tonixx That's my newsletter where I share what I read about customer experience every week.
UPDATE: I want to thank you all! One hour since NiceToHuntYou got featured on the front page and it is now #1 Product of the Day! STATS: it just passed 100 votes and more than 80 users have signed up. I had to upgrade my Sendgrid plan from Free to Paid :) IMPORTANT: in order to receive your first connection you have to confirm your email address. Use the link you received in the email for that. If you don't see the email you should also check the Spam/Bulk folders. If it's not in there you should signup again at Also, please follow me and support my other projects: Will keep you posted!
Nana Adjei Manu

Got my first connection in lik 3 mins of signing up


Works very fast.


Not that i have seen so far

Thx Nana! :)

Signed up and got a recommendation straight away, as someone who is looking at starting a blog reviewing startup products this is invaluable to me! Kudos to the maker a great idea indeed :)


Easy to use, awesome idea!


None so far

Thanks a lot for the positive review Ben! :)
Riley Walz
I can't sign up! My username is too short. Nice idea though :)
@w WOW, I didn't know there are 1 letter username of PH :) I've fixed the code and you should be able to sign up now. Please retry and let me know:
Hey! Very cool idea, thanks for this! Currently, I'm searching for a specific type of people to chat with. That type of people is not directly listed as a category in your system. How about custom fields users can add to their profile (just like "SEO" for example) and others can also select those new categories in their filters for matches?
@padannewitz Unfortunately adding the custom field feature would complicate the project a lot, but you can tell me which category you want added and I'll see what I can do. Is it crypto? :)
@tonixx That's probably a good addition aswell. But no, I was searching for other websecurity/infosec people out there. Not sure how many people would search for this though.
@padannewitz I think the HackerNews crowd is a better fit for that. You can sign up for a similar service that caters to HN: Kismet was the inspiration for building NiceToHuntYou :)
Josh Best
Great idea! I’d love to get more involved in PH but am unsure where to start.
@jaybaybay_18 Thx Josh! You can sign up on NiceToHuntYou and offer to help those that need your skills
Ben Potter
Absolutely love it! Just signed up and got matched. One small bug: "web development" is spelled wrong in the email under the "Can help with" section.
@bpmct You're the first to notice that Ben :) Thank you! Just noticed "App developemnt" has the same spelling error. Will fix both
Vivek Jaiswal
This is awesome! I am new to PH and haven't yet had a chance to interact with community members. This sure is a great icebreaker! Thanks for the cool app @tonixx. Just one feedback - I'd make the on-boarding a little less confusing. The two questions where I had to select topics, I didn't completely understand why I had to select twice until I received my first introduction email. Maybe I was lazy to read the instructions 😅
@vivek_jaiswal Thanks for the feedback! You're right! I've highlighted the "what you need help with" and "what you can help with" parts.
Grace Tong
Love the idea! always want to meet other hunters here:) @tonixx! signed up.:)
@tong_tong Thank you Grace! I hope you'll get the right match ... there are lots of users that signed up and said they help with marketing