Hey fellow hunters, I'm the Founder of Nextt and I'm thrilled to share a new iteration of our mission to help people validate big ideas before taking big risk.
This summer, we launched as a pre-accelerator that helps prospective entrepreneurs turn ideas into ten week experiments. And it’s been a wild ride since: 100+ applications, 10+ MVPs shipped and even some venture-funded businesses with paying customers and first class teams.
But what I'll never forget is the heartbreak Tom (my co-founder) and I felt when sending out ‘rejections’ to folks we couldn’t accept. We launched Nextt in part to make innovation more inclusive, so that aspect of the process never sat well and got us thinking....
Could we offer tools and methods to folks running experiments, without the high touch of an accelerator, and get similar results?
Fast forward a few months, and our first attempt at productizing our accelerator, Nextt Experiments, is in early beta. We currently have 7 experimenters (who originally applied to the accelerator program) running campaigns that leverage constraints to create focus. Each experimenter has a limited amount of time to:
-- test their idea in a way that answers one question really well
-- recruit no more than 3 collaborators help get the experiment off the ground
-- raise money (up to $5k) to compensate those collaborators and pay expenses
We'd love to get your thoughts on both the experiments (feel free to leave feedback in comments on each page) and the platform itself. You can easily apply to submit your own experiments as well.
As an early follower of Nextt and the team, I can attest to the fact that Nextt is living its mission by quickly testing and iterating itself into an awesome community and next-generation platform for entrepreneurs globally.
Really nice "experiment" you're running here. It's sort of like ProductHunt meets Kickstarter :) But you mention you're leaning towards providing accelerator value to the platform, but as far as I can see it's only community-driven, right? So will Experiments offer feedback, advice, help from more knowledgeable advisors or just the community?
But yeah, really looking forward to spending some time on Experiments and see what interesting stuff will be added.
@baboon Thanks for the encouragement Horea! Look fwd to seeing you interact and maybe submit an experiment or two :)
You can learn more about our accelerator program on our main site: www.nex.tt and some case studies at www.nex.tt/casestudies
@baboon i hear ya :)
the same advisor community that's behind our accelerator contributes to experiments as well (e.g. one of our engineering advisors is building out the MVP for nex.tt/experiment/kusha). it's an informal arrangement for now but we're planning to put more specifics into place in time...
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