This looks great but I have the worst luck with custom iOS keyboards. They're always slow and often crash. Am I the only one with this experience? Also, the latest keyboard I liked was Fleksy. I appreciated their imoji support. Is that where you are getting your stickers too?
@ryanmac Sadly, you're not the only one! iOS keyboards have been really buggy especially when iOS 8 launched but since then Apple has been making steady improvements. Ironically, we benefited a bit from this b/c we're shipping later when keyboards are more stable. That being said there's still a lot Apple can do to improve the experience for users and developers of third party keyboards.
We're not integrating imoji just yet. We're big fans of those guys. We created some fun and original stickers for the Next launch. Like our silly cat friend Gabby and a smooth talking taco named Don Juan :)
@robjama Do you know if iOS 9 is fixing some of the 3rd party keyboard issues? It's just been too frustrating for me with slow loading times and the keyboard not loading occasionally.
@ryanmac same problem here. And that just gets worse when you're handling more than one language often, I change all the time between Spanish, English and emoji and third party keyboards take way more time than the Apple one to do that. That said, this one looks dope and I'm definitely going to try it! : )
What's next's take on simultaneous support for multiple languages...especially those that share or could share a similar keyboard layout (for example QWERTZ or QWERTY), such as English (as the base) paired with another one language German / Spanish / French / Portuguese / Finnish / Swedish / Italian / Polish / Danish / Czech etc. (special characters accessible via long-press or just autocorrection).
stock iOS, requires switching the entire keyboard, with slightly varying key layouts from language to language. It also keeps the emoji keyboard in the list, which makes quick cycling really bothersome.
fleksy, has its own integrated emoji solution, but still requires to swipe the spacebar to switch between languages. Faster than stock iOS, but still bothersome.
swiftkey, is great with its simultaneous dual-language-autocorrection, but the keyboard crashes every few minutes :(
Does next solve this problem? It is neither addressed in the app description, nor on the page.
Multi-language support is a must, as the group of digital natives that switch between English (web) and their country's local language (communication) is ever-growing. And the list of languages above should be enough proof how large that group potentially could be.—You could solve a real problem here...or have you maybe already solved it?
Thanks :)
Fun keyboard for the iPhone Kickstarted and built by @robjama and co. Love the video. 😊
There are a bunch of other keyboards to explore in this collection of Custom iOS Keyboards.
Thanks @rrhoover! I’m really excited to finally launch Next Keyboard Product Hunt! It’s been more than a year in the making.
We took a very community-driven approach (inspired by how Ryan built PH) and with a little help from Kickstarter, Reddit, and Product Hunt, we were able to pull it off and really build something meaningful together.
We’re on a mission to make the perfect keyboard for iPhone and this V1 launch is just the beginning for us. We plan on improving our prediction engine, adding swipe typing and continuing to innovate in the mobile messaging + AI space while exploring ways to extend the keyboard with integrations that will make it easy for people to express themselves and get work done on iOS.
AMA - will be answering questions using Next Keyboard :)
@rmateu Thanks Roberto! We're working on adding additional languages and have a few team members dedicated to that. Spanish is definitely near the top of our list :)
Great product in the little I have used it so far. That Quick Cursor that you can move with the spacebar works as well as advertised and will save me much pain when trying to reach the edge of the screen. Looking forward to using it some more.
Congrats Robleh! I'd love to hear more about how launching the idea for Next on Kickstarter influenced your development. After this experience, would you recommend that other app developers take a similar approach?
@mimurchison Launching on Kickstarter was great! We quickly became the most funded app, but more importantly it got the word out about our product. Building with our community has also been great and I would highly suggest going this route when building a product. It provides a perspective you just can’t get when building products in a silloed environment.
I don't think Kickstarter may not be the best place for apps (issues with distribution), but I think as more devs begin using the platform to create digital products, things will get easier.
just bought and tried. awesome. love the quick cursor which is THE feature for me. i wish it handled multi language as swiftkey does. this is why i will probably stick to that one for now
Unfortunately, custom keyboard in iOS are horribly broken on the OS level. Apple's fault, not keyboard makers. Hope they fix it in iOS 9. Notice any improvements in the beta? Too bad as some of these keyboard really add value but if they crash multiple times a day it is incredibly frustrating. I think it has to do with memory allocation.
I deleted the stock English keyboard this morning and Next is now my default. I'm on the iOS9 beta and it's been a very stable experience thus far. Well done, team, really enjoyable product.
Really nice keyboard that always gets people attention. Would love to hear from @Robjama on how the progress is with the AI text prediction & autocorrect as I find this to be a crutch for me as I am so used to Swiftkey.
@blakefolgado Thanks Blake! We're making good progress on our prediction engine. V1 is getting great reviews so far.
We totally agree. That's the most important part of a great keyboard experience. Autocorrect is a huge problem. It's been fun trying to tackle it, bit by bit
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