Alex Castillo

Crown™ - Shift into focus

The Crown guides you into a focused state and helps you stay there. It aligns your brainwaves in the right patterns for your optimal flow. Discover the songs that expedite your flow and help you find the zone using the Neurosity app with your Spotify account.

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Alex Castillo
Hey everyone 👋! Alex and AJ here. We are super excited to introduce our latest product: The Crown - a brain-computer interface that guides you into a flow state, and helps you stay in the zone. As software engineers, AJ and I spent many hours coding but ended up trashing a lot of code due to fatigue and lack of focus. It's amazing how fast things can change once you can quantify them! "If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” - Lord Kelvin The Crown comes with an app that allows you to track your focus over time. Additionally, you can connect the Crown app to your Spotify account to let your brain activity find the music that boosts your productivity. Please share feedback, questions, and comments below!
Devin Alldrit
Very cool idea and cool product video. Development productivity definitely goes up and down with focus, I'd be curious to see how this helps boost that
@devin_alldrit1 100% i feel the same. simply knowing how to program and being in front of my computer is not enough for me to get coding done, i think I'm discovering the most consistent programmers view their productivity over the week, not the day, which allows them to ebb and flow and still achieve.
this looks really interesting! really cool if it works! :)
@swebliss1 it does! we work with amazing neuroscientists to develop personalized AI models for each of user combined with a larger generalized model that gives a great user experience from day 1 and securely tunes to you over time.
Robert Brown
If this can boost productivity, can it also signal when you should take a break and at what times of day the user experiences flow state most frequently?
@robertb right now we're laser focused on that shift into focus. Once we nail that, we'll scale to all aspects of mental health over time.
Glen Creaser
Sooo excited to give this a try. Seems very cool. Great work.
@glen_creaser yess! have you or any of your friends pre-ordered?
@glen_creaser amazing! Excited for you to give it a try in May!
Carlo Thissen
Seriously impressive stuff. Looking forward to follow how this evolves once you start going into more verticals next to programming!
@carlo_thissen Thanks for the support! What vertical are you in?
Benoit Chambon
Congrats on the launch guys, looks like a very good product!
Ivica Arsic
Looks amazing, congrats on launch!
Alex Castillo
@ivica_arsic Thank you, Ivica!
Gustav Ekerot
future stuff! looks very cool. Love the landingpage and overall styling as well, congratz!
Alex Castillo
@gustav_ekerot Thank you, Gustav!
Ravi Bajnath
Where's the neuroscience? I know there are transcranial magnetic stimulation therapies that activates similar brainwave functions experienced from deep meditation, is this supposed to be it? Csikszentmihályi really emphasized that flow doesn't happen in the workplace (many reasons for that to support this notion), so is this for recreation? Also, can't you just do Hakalau meditation (fixed staring for perception dilation) to reduce left hemisphere activity for right hemisphere expansion (pre-cursor to achieving flow) instead of wearing this?
Alex Castillo
@ravi_bajnath Hi Ravi! We use EEG (Electroencephalography) to passively and indirectly influence the brain via sound. TMS directly stimulates the brain and we believe we need to understand the brain more before using more direct methods. The definition of workplace has change a bit as of recently. With many people working from home, focus and attention can be very challenging for both Neurotypicals and non-Neurotypicals. We also recommend meditation and using a brain-computer interface for Neurofeedback has proven to be very efficient.
Ravi Bajnath
@alexcastillo EEG's - got it. What stands out with the workplace vs. recreational intent underlines the problem of tapping into flow sessions. Being critically aware that putting on a hat to modify brain activity to make someone else money can inhibit successful use of the product (it's also really dubious to want to do this for a boss lol). Recreational stimulation for personal or creative work triggers flow state easier (from deeper meditative connections into consciousness via Kriya, entheogens, and nootropics).
Matias Nisenson
Love it!
Alex Castillo
@matiasnisenson Thank you, Matias!
@matiasnisenson Thanks for all your support!
Jeanette Snyder
Where do you see neuratech going in the future and what usecases do you think are going to become massive?
@jeanettesnyder We're going to help millions of programmers master the art of shifting into focus. Once we help them, we'll move on to other knowledge workers and students with purpose built devices and experiences. We'll continue to drive a pro version, the Crown, for decades as sensor technology changes and improve.The trillion dollar opportunities will come from the insights we get about how brains degrade over time with age, and what actions can we take to increase the amount of time before a neurodegenerative disease takes over.
Arron Webb
Apart from finding flow state, what is the most common application for this kind of tech?
@arronwebb meditation
Antoine Hésèque
Awesome! Can't wait to receive mine.
@antoinehsq ohhh yea!! you're gonna love it
Slava Bobrov
@alexcastillo, @andrewjaykeller congrats guys! 🧠
Yunus Ozcan
It is amazing! Another great product that doesn't get the attention it deserves on product hunt.
Alex Castillo
@yunus_emre_ozcan Thank you, Yunus! You are too kind 🙏🏼
John Higgins
Do you have a research paper or reference of scientists who could confirm any of this?
Ali RA
Interesting. Do you have supporting data?
Stas Voronov
The idea looks great! As far as I know, determining the degree of concentration by EEG is a non-trivial task, many (like NeuroSky) gave very inaccurate information about the degree of focus. Muse eventually removed this functionality from their API. @alexcastillo How do you solve this issue? Also It's not clear from the landing page how you provide neurofeedback, will there be some kind of real-time interface or post facto analytics? More interesting is the user case, how this will help to achieve the state of the flow
Alex Castillo
@stas_voronov Thank you! We work with neuroscientists to develop personalized AI models for each of user combined with a larger base model. Our app integrates with Spotify to provide Neurofeedback via music. We also have a dashboard where you can explore all the data.
Nate Desmond
Setup was very sketchy (literally took 3 hours across multiple attempts on both Android and iPhone to get the thing to connect to wifi) Boot sequence takes 30-90 seconds (literally faster to make a cup of coffee) Heavy sudo-science vibes (this thing basically just plays energetic music on a 5 minute loop) For people ordering internationally, know that Neurosity doesn't process local sales tax properly (got hit by a surprise $120 cash on delivery import bill) Customer service is pretty much bottom barrel (when I complained, they literally just responded with a copy/paste from there TOS - literally no human touch) Suffice to say, I'm returning. I'll update here if they find some way to refuse to honor their claimed return policy.
Alex Castillo
@natedesmond Hi Nate, thank you for trying out the Crown. I really appreciate your feedback. We'll keep working on improving the boot time. Early on, we decided it was worth the wait for being able to run machine learning on the device. Since hardware architecture runs Linux, it is closer to a computer than a microcontroller. When we are done with the optimizations, we'll release a new OS that will update via air. About the product and the music, I'm sorry you feel this way. The Neurosity app has a copy of the white paper where it explains how brain entrainment works. Our users in Discord have posted their results. You are welcome to join and see what other people has to say. As for customs fees, we are very clear we ship from the US and unfortunately, import tax is not something we can charge our customers. As we grow our team of 3, we'll work on setting up distribution center around the world, including your country. Even for any big company, this is a multi-year process. We'll keep everyone updated as we continue to make progress on this front. Our customer service team is still learning. The return was not refused, they just ask for a reason for the record so we can work on improving our product. We have never not accepted a return, even when it's outside the time window we offer. Thank you again for the feedback, Nate. It means a lot to us that you gave it try.