Chat with AI Characters and hangout with Friends, Create the best AI Characters
Netwrck is an AI Character Marketplace where you can create AI Characters and earn NETW tokens by engaging the community.
Chat to your favorite AI Characters and socialize :)
Hi i'm the maker :)
I'm planning on making group chats and social features that connect us to AI characters :) looking to make our AI characters help us and our communities across the web.
Also working on more immersive experiences like VFX/3d avatars and speech.
I'm raising a token to help reward AI Character creators and AI Developers for making the platform better
for devs, the AI chat under the hood is based on some new AI Chat specific Networks I trained and is available on as an API (and Text Generator is also Open Source).
More info on the model:
Let me know what you think! Let me know how the AI feels too.