We got some super beautiful neat websites. 100% free (CC0). Hope ya'll enjoy!
EDIT: we're aware of some bugs with downloading, we've fixed a few but let us know if you encounter any more.
EDIT EDIT: There was a great comment posted by someone on Hackers News (https://news.ycombinator.com/ite...) about the website builder's accessibility. It seems we are currently lacking some HTML that would make the website more accessible to blind users. We will definitely be adding some improvements that address this in the next few days.
EDIT EDIT EDIT: there's a few big bugs that still exist should be deploying new version soon, super sorry about that.
@cameronrohani I see this image as a subtle joke that should resonate with anyone who has ever worked on a “website builder”. Congrats on the launch, very solid user experience!
@cameronrohani Awesome, mindblowing tool...being a designer i admire this tool a lot and now onwards its on the top of my list...Thank you guys for the best work you have done and sharing it...
Would be great if my site was saved in my cookies so I can come back and mess around more. Would also be great if some of the feature blocks could swap sides so I can have multiple feature sections in a row (Bullets Left, Then Bullets right, Then bullets left again)
@nilefrater I def agree that it's annoying that you can't change block positions. The UX of the whole thing is flawed imo. Back to the drawing boards!
We also have everything being automatically saved to localstorage :)
@kreatific admittedly we knew of the flaws about 1/2 way in to this. But we thought it was weird to not finish. We're currently working on something a lottt better :)
Pretty neat! I was a bit confused by the headers in your images here on PH, they all say "Instantly search domains, handles and logotypes." and "Brilliant domain names." So I thought this was a site that had something to do with registering domains.. Only after visiting your website I got it that it's just an example template and you are actually a templated site builder.
Awesome nonetheless, I'll build my next landing page with it :-)
That part about searching for business name and the social handles available for the same, all in one go and one place is so damn helpful. Other stuff is decent though.
I can't remember the last time I've been more impressed by a product. Making product / hype pages is so dull / repetitive - you've just made it easy! Good job folks :)
I imagine this is a lead-gen tool for some other service...and I love it.
This tool is beautiful. It's elegant enough to stick out in a crowded market and makes me want to throw my email address at you guys.
@ptrko No worries, excited to use LSTNAI when it launches! The more people share there creations, the better I can refine all the template designs. So thanks for sharing :)
@topaz_tee yes of course. This isn't very clear, apologies. But each device is made with pure CSS, so when you download the code you can simply swap out an img to put your device there.
108 Handsome Headers
Instant Logo Search
Instant Content Management
The Pitfalls of Shared Hosting
Whisker Tracker - Cat Facial Recognition