Julien Lestel

MyUptimeKuma - Uptime Kuma is an easy-to-use monitoring tool

UptimeKuma is an all-in-one solution for monitoring everything from HTTP(s), TCP, keywords, JSON queries, DNS, SSL... Enjoy multiple status pages and 90+ notification services like Telegram, Slack! MyUptimeKuma.com hosts your own UptimeKuma in the Cloud!

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Julien Lestel
Hey hunters! 👋 I'm Julien from MyUptimeKuma and today we are really excited to launch MyUptimeKuma on Product Hunt. A little over a year ago, I wanted to monitor uptime of my websites. And I really wanted to search keywords in webpages or valid JSON results. I couldn't find a SaaS that suited my needs at a fair price, so I decided to create a hosted version of UptimeKuma. This is how MyUptimeKuma was born :) If you have any ideas for improvement, feel free to contact me! I will be happy to discuss it with you! Julien
Maxime Dolores
@jlestel is this just you selling a hosted version of uptime kuma ? what about letting the repository owner do that as it's their own work ? re-using official assets and branding from an oss repo seems like abuse to me
Julien Lestel
Hi @m_dolr, thank you for your feedback. I saw that many hosts use UptimeKuma to try to sell their VPS: ovhcloud, vpsserver, stellarhosted, elest.io, kamatera. I simply made a much cheaper service than these VPS. I also specified at the end of the FAQ that 10% of each subscription is donated to the creator of UptimeKuma.
Maxime Dolores
@jlestel taking a 90% cut by legit abusively using the work of open source contributors to the point of even re-using the branding while providing a sub-optimal application with a no code application builder on top and enforcing imaginary limits not present in the initial open source software under the guise of enterprise pricing doesn’t qualify as a product to me
Maxime Dolores
@jlestel to add insult to injury your platform on-top is providing so much value, that as someone else pointed out you did not even bother making your own assets for the launch and literally re-used the showcase images from the original project tbh i don't understand why this launch is still up and producthunt team doesn't do anything, this qualified as GPT spam to me as your product is built entirely on top of a GPT-based no code app
Julien Lestel
@m_dolr You make a lot of unfounded assumptions and don't understand much about the proposed stack. too bad, ChatGPT has nothing to do here :)
Egor Karpov
Just explored MyUptimeKuma, and the variety of notification options is a big plus. Does it provide detailed analytics or reports on the monitored services? It seems like a robust tool for staying on top of online service health!
Julien Lestel
@ekarp Yes there is detail on each probe. You see the history of its response time and its uptime. The status pages allow you to show the status of services at any time.
I can't find the preservation of copyright and license notices page with regards to the MIT license of the original project that you deployed. Duplicating the name and the logo is borderline fair. You could at least have gone to the trouble of making your own screenshots instead of pumping out those from the open-source repo.
Julien Lestel
@miaouchardine Thank you for your comment, the screenshots are now original. I hope it will please you.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Rajesh Kumar
Congratulations on your launch 🥳
Hajara Usman Mutai
Good afternoon everyone
Mona kanasagara
@jlestel Congratulations on your launch. Upvoted. Would love your support on our launch as well here: (Tigbar)
Julien Lestel
@mona_kanasagara done. great product congrats.
Eeee this just doesn't sit right with me. You've taken an open source project created by someone else and added multi-tenancy to make it a SaaS to profit off... Leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth personally.
Julien Lestel
@jonte As mentioned in the FAQ, 10% of subscriptions will be reserved for the creator of uptimeKuma. I prefer that than the hyperscalers who offer it in their marketplace without any compensation for the creator :)