Rick Turoczy

myTrestle Button - Revealing corporate values for curious conscious consumers


As you're shopping online, the myTrestle Button Google Chrome extension shows the corporate values of the brands you're browsing. Since the button knows YOUR values, you can easily compare values to make more conscious decisions about companies you support.

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Rick Turoczy
I've had the opportunity to test early versions of this product. Psyched to see it finally being released into the wild.
Carl Hickerson
@turoczy Thanks for the hunt! We are excited to see this tool grow and help brands be more radically transparency with how they operate. They more we know what values we are supporting with our dollars, the more real impact we as modern day consumers will have!
Rick Turoczy
@carlhickerson Happy to help!
@turoczy What a great launch! Thanks for hunting this and getting out to the world. What if it really were just so simple to know what was going on behind the closed doors of businesses?
Carl Hickerson
What types of product brands would you like us to be analyzing? We dig deep into their operations and pull out their values for you to get quickly and easily. If you don’t see your favorite as an option, please comment below and we’ll use the upvotes of your comment to determine interest.
Rick Turoczy
@carlhickerson Ooh. The VC Firms could be super interesting. And incredibly helpful.
@carlhickerson @turoczy Yeah, we've heard that a couple times recently
Carl Hickerson
@turoczy I thought you'd like that one ;)
Carl Hickerson
@new_user_21362f37c8 that makes a lot of sense. I'll do that! edit: oops, looks like I can't change the poll.
Nick Nedelisky
Finally! The fact that you could match my values with my absurdly odd purchases is outstanding. Trestle has helped me find ethically sourced protein powder, tongue scrapers, reflective jackets, tasers, ect. These are not normal purchases, yet they excelled in finding high quality, high ethos products at similar prices to market rate brands. I even enjoyed finding out how brands I currently use are more aligned with my values then I anticipated! And it's free. Let me say that again. FREE. What kind of witchcraft is this? Thank you, Trestle!
Carl Hickerson
@nick_nedelisky My favorite was finding the taser that gave back to free self defense classes for women! Thank you so much for you support!
@nick_nedelisky @carlhickerson You had some of the funnest requests when we were doing this MVP as an unscalable service. But now that it's tech and can be instant..?? Imagine what you'll find now!!
@nick_nedelisky @carlhickerson We were SO surprised to find a taser from a company who used their business as a source for helping women be safer in society. We didn't expect it, but now that we know they exist (we wouldn't have otherwise), it makes so much sense. Happy to support a company like that.
Barrett Brooks
For years I've been working to be more conscious of the products I'm buying. In the process, I've been able to shift my closet to a more thoughtful mix of products from brands that use good materials, hire/pay good people, and use good practices to make them. This extension is the beginning stages of a much larger vision to make the process of conscious consumerism less burdensome!
@barrettabrooks You get the vision! This is just the start of where we're going. The whole goal is to make it seamless to buy the more thoughtful mix of products.
Carl Hickerson
Hi product hunters! @jenniferj_pdx and I are the founders of this project. We are really excited to launch the myTrestle Button to help you know, in less than 3 seconds, the values that you are supporting when you buy from a brand. I'll be monitoring this page all day, so please ask any questions and I'll do my best to respond ASAP!
Hello all! Happy to make your acquaintances. Thanks for taking the time to check out the myTrestle Button. We're open to feedback and thoughts on what role you see this playing in your lives. Happy to answer any questions! @CarlHickerson
This product like the humans behind it are awesome! Let’s start to vote with our dollars! Can’t wait to see where this goes!
@damolaomotosho You've been instrumental in this. I can't thank you enough. Voting with our dollars just got 100x easier.
Carl Hickerson
@damolaomotosho Thanks for the love, I can't wait to see where it goes either!
Shashi Jain
Congrats team Trestle- I've been looking for something like this for a long time!
Carl Hickerson
@shashi_jain Thanks, we are excited to see how this will grow and help bring radical transparency to how brands operate!
@shashi_jain So good to hear that! (p.s. we've been waiting for a long time too!). Glad to hear it's working for you!
Devin Vyain
This product is useful, robust, and modern, but doesn't compromise the philosophy of using our dollars to empower companies we value.
Carl Hickerson
@devin_vyain they key is not compromising the voting with our dollars. The sources of data that we collect has to be accurate, truthful, unbiased, and fresh. It's a challenge and we are just at the beginning stages, but the goal is radial transparency from all brands!
@devin_vyain The "useful" is important here. We designed it to only interact with you when you need it most - when you're researching a company or looking to buy something online.
Cami Kaos
It's so hard to shop your conscience while still taking advantage of what the internet has to offer. I'm so excited to see Trestle make it possible for those with limited research time to support the brands and people they feel best about!
@cami_kaos Thanks Cami, it's so good to hear how this has saved you time!
Carl Hickerson
@cami_kaos Thanks for the love! What's your current process of shopping consciously like?
Hope Lobkowicz
I love this concept so much. I think we really must shift toward more transparency about how our products are made.
@hope_lobkowicz The more we as consumers demand transparency - the more companies will give in and show us what's really going on behind their closed doors.
Carl Hickerson
@hope_lobkowicz Yes, transparency is becoming more and more important. Hopefully this platform allows us to finally tell the brands that we care and we will support those who are honest and completely transparent! Thank you for the support
Elizabeth Vyain
The myTrestle Button gives me confidence that I'm supporting brands who share my values, but doesn't get in the way of my internet shopping experience. It is so easy to use and helps bring to light how a company truly operates.
Carl Hickerson
@elizabeth_vyain Thats great to hear! I personally absolutely hate popups so made an intentional effort to design this tool so that it only gives you the information when you need or want it and that it won't disrupt your flow. Thanks for the support!
@elizabeth_vyain That's key, @elizabeth_vyain, We wanted to create it so it only popped up when you actually needed the information - when you're researching companies or trying to buy from one. We'll always take feedback on how this experience is for people, too!
Sam Sanders
Makes shopping ethically and sustainably a breeze! Could not recommend highly enough for anyone looking to be intentional with their spending.
@sam_sanders Thanks for the recommendation! Curious what your take on the Trestle Score is - the 5 heart ranking system that shows how compatible a company is based on the values you put in. Thoughts?
Slade Sundar
Our purchases have so much more impact than we realize, and over the years I've been disappointed to know that brands that I purchased from had directly opposed my personal values. When I started down the path of doing the research on my own, I realized that it would be a full time job just to do the research. Now, I set my values and Trestle does the work for me. Now I can be confident that the money I am spending isn't working against the causes I care about! I also like that people can submit brands for Trestle to review, which gives more power to the platform each time I find a new brand. It's like having a personal research team that cares about my values. This is a game changer for consumers, and it's putting brands on notice that they can't do nefarious things without losing my dollars!
Carl Hickerson
@sladesundar1 it's definitely a full-time job to do the research! It's on average 2-4hrs per company! We are really excited about the brand suggestion feature as we are learning what companies people want to learn about most! We have 200+ companies analyzed right now and are adding more every day.
@sladesundar1 You get it. You get it so much. I am borrowing this language because your articulation is perfect. Thank you.
Carr Biggerstaff
Great idea! Nudging its users towards influencing businesses in CSR one product search at a time. Wonder what Yvon Chouinard would thinks of myTrestle?
Carl Hickerson
@carrbo we would love to talk to him and Patagonia and hear their thoughts! They have been big-time leaders in demonstrating how a company can make real profit and still have strong ethical practices. But also, there are more and more companies who are building strong ethical practices into their DNA. Thank you so much for the support!
@carrbo Yes, if you have an in with Yvon Chouinard, we'd love to chat with him... :) Currently reading his "Stories" by Yvon Chouinard
Carl Hickerson
What browser should we build this for next?
@carlhickerson I know we've heard a lot of love for Firefox, but curious what people want! :)
Who do you imagine using a product like this?
*I have a friend I think WOULD be into this.
Mathew Perrow
Great extension, easy to use!
Carl Hickerson
@mportland Thanks! I'm excited to see how it grows!
@mportland Thanks for the feedback, Mathew! That's the whole point - let's just make it 100x easier.
Praveen Kumar
Hey, this is a brilliant product and am sure your company will go places as consumer priorities are shifting towards a more sustainable world. Here is a big Thumbs-Up for the Trestle team!! Am a strong proponent of the idea that companies should not only publish their Financial statements but should also publish what they are doing for the local communities and the planet. Your tool is one of those first steps that would bring in a positive change and enable the vision of a new social contract where businesses exist as a force for doing good and not just for greed. Congratulations once again!
Carl Hickerson
@new_user_21362f37c8 Thank you so much for this review and for your confidence on where we are going. Yes, yes, YES - companies should absolutely be public about not only their financials, but ALSO their actions and operations along their supply chain. And what's more is that private companies are not required to share their activities - We really hope that Trestle will ALL companies to become more transparent. Because if we can create a system where their bottom line is directly correlated with how they operate, we affect real change.
David M Krell
Your dollars are your votes, excited to use this and vote smarter
@david_m_krell Our dollars are our votes whether we like it (or even know it) or not. We're voting every time we spend money.
Carl Hickerson
@aplusk What do you think of this product? I know that you are into activism, especially within the abolishment of slavery. This plugin is the start of a greater dream to bring radical transparency to brands and how they operate.