Automatic timezone conversion for simple scheduling
Ben Lang
My Time Zone β€” Automatic time zone conversion tool

My Time Zone is a browser extension for automatic time zone conversion. Just highlight to convert between time zones.

Ben Lang
Top Product
Great work Yuval and Oren. Super useful extension!
Olivier Amar
Been using this ever since it was in beta, very cool and very useful. Love it. Nice job guys!
Sagi Shrieber
Nice!! It would solve a huge pain for me!
Raghavender Rao Jitta
Hey Oren, I am unable to install the extension. Was it taken down for some reason? Tried installing from both your website and via Chrome store.
Oren Barzilai
@jittarao everything seems fine on our end. Just tested and installed it on two different computers. Can you please provide some details via (OS, Chrome version). Thanks.
Raghavender Rao Jitta
Shout out to @mytimezone and @orenbarzilai. That was a really quick resolution. Love when support is this quick. Thanks for being so wonderful :)
I've always wanted something like this and you just arrived here on PH. Great work guys!
Christian Reiter
Thought about that at one time myself for a small hacking project. Never worked on it though. Awesome you guys did!
Crissy Costa
LOVE this idea. I always get tripped up when daylight savings happens in the US vs. not in Europe yet. fantastic
Or Ron
That's very cool. Good job!

Hope this doesn't use other data





Tamas Torok
THIS IS A LIFESAVER. Thanks so much for creating this.
Oren Barzilai
@torok_tomi Glad you like :)
This. Is. Awesome! So simple, great job! installing it now.
Geva Telem
Great extension guys, love it!
Oren Barzilai
@geva_t thanks! appreciate your support
Yonatan Ruback
Great product Oren! Love it!
Nick Abouzeid
"This is absolutely wonderful. Thank you for building it πŸ™" –Every Remote Team Ever (including me!)
Oren Barzilai
@nickabouzeid Thanks Nick! really appreciate that.
Alex Marshall
I've wanted a product like this for the longest time πŸ™ I've been blanking out 3 hour windows for a 1 hour call just because I don't trust websites to know it's currently BST not GMT... Also, kudos on the landing page 😍
Absolutely love this! We need this desperately for Outlook 365!
Don The Idea Guy
Top-notch! I have to keep visiting a bookmarked timezone page to double-check and now I can simply right-click. Awesome.
Roy Dequina
This is awesome and super helpful. Is there a way to customize time zones?
Yuval Shoshan
@roydequina That's a good idea. We currently show "latest time zones", but we might add an option to manually customize time zones. Thanks!
Bojan Vidanovic
Great extension! :)
Yuval Shoshan
Hey all, We got tired of the endless switching between tabs while scheduling cross time zones, so we have created this simple Chrome extension for seamless time zone conversion. Would love to hear your feedback.