Anton Reshetov

Email Templates Showcase - Platform for all to share their HTML email templates

MySigMail Card Showcase - a place where MySigMail Card users can lay out their HTML email templates. On a site there is a possibility of search by the name, on tags and on authors of templates. You can vote for your favorite templates. And it's all FREE.

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Abhishek Kumar Maurya
Its similar to postcard by designmodo. I like it, its free. Will there be premium version later?
Anton Reshetov
@akmnitt Maybe postcard, it's like mailerlite 🤓. I plan to introduce paid features later, such as ESP (email service provider) integration like a MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Mailgun etc, and file hosting. But this does not limit the current functionality in any way. It will be an addition of a kind as a pro tool
Anton Reshetov
@andrewdejackson Oh, the gods, you're writing here, too. You've already written on reddit in the comments, and there was no reaction to your comment. You are trying to give away what you want as real. But in reality it's not like that. Please don't spam anymore
Anton Reshetov
Hi, 👋 I would like to introduce you to an additional small project MySigMail Card Showcase - a place where MySigMail Card users can lay out their HTML email templates. On a site there is a possibility of search by the name, on tags and on authors of templates. You can vote for your favorite templates. Downloadable working files of templates can be loaded to Project in MySigMail Card. As in the MySigMail Card there was an integration with the given site, it is possible to carry out the direct appendix search on a template and at once to load them. I hope it will be useful for someone I'm sorry that there's not enough template there now, all the time it took me to develop 🙏
Lachlan Kirkwood
Nice work, looking forward to seeing the repository grow 👍
Anton Reshetov
@lachlankirkwood Thank you! Yes, waiting for new users to grow the number of templates. A bit later I will probably add some templates myself
Absolutely love this.
Great work!
Tyler Nass
Very cool! Please keep it always this simple, I hate when there are too many options!
Anton Reshetov
@tyler_nass me, too! Thank you for your feedback )