@troy_ruediger - I hear ya! When we started Myhub, our feeling was that a lot of plans get lost in a communication breakdown across multiple platforms like text, email, phone, (maybe Facebook Events) and various payment platforms. We're trying to simplify that experience (for groups) in a single, easy to use mobile app. In general, we're trying to make group activities easier for the organizer so they can focus on planning something awesome!
@kimpham404@troy_ruediger We've tied RSVPs to payments (for paid events) for exactly that purpose. If you want to join an event, you gotta pitch in whatever the host is collecting. If you're not sure, you can RSVP 'Maybe' and that'll indicate that you're on the fence and you haven't pitched in. Hopefully that helps the organizer gauge interest and who's really coming.
Thanks @justinkan for the hunt!
Hey Hunters!
My name’s Eric and I’m the Founder / CEO @ Myhub. We’re building a fast, easy way to plan group activities and collect cash from friends across any device. We often pitch it as “Facebook Events meets Venmo” and it's currently available on the Web and iOS.
We’re launching Myhub today on PH and would love the community’s feedback! Post your thoughts / questions below and we’ll chime in with answers and more on our story.
Friends owing you money, or you owing friends money is always awkward. I'm really happy you're solving this issue in the event area! Can't wait for this to be the 'standard' in Europe! :D
@arvalaan Thanks for the comment! We're currently focused on the US market but Europe and other international markets are on our Road Map. There are a couple hoops we need to jump through from a payments and mapping standpoint first. Will you keep posted for sure!
@thomas_sayan We don't have a firm date set at the moment. In the meantime, you might follow us on Twitter or sign up for Myhub to join our newsletter.
it looks like " Timenote - social tool " with less features
Timenote is a mobile app, the first social calendar online since 2015.
Follow what you like and don't miss an event!
Timenote does also synchronisation like Sunrise, with Google calendar, Outlook, FB Event, Meetup, Eventbrit, Evernote.
Startup Notes