Eric Willis

Chill for Pebble - The easiest way to ping your friends

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Kirill Chekanov
Hey hunters, great to be back here with a new Chill product! Today we are introducing Chill for Pebble- a tool that lets you communicate with peer Pebblers and other device owners in just a click. Chill is a way to ping your friends in a certain context using a special iconic language. Deadline coming? Send a 🕐 icon Sent an urgent email? Ping your co-worker with ✉ Reached a big milestone? Ping your peers with 🏆 You can Chill using Pebble, AppleWaych, AndroidWear, iOS or Android :) Get more Chilling opportunities here: 😎
Kirill Chekanov
Guys, me and Greg will be here all day to answer your questions :)
Kirill Chekanov
@dxripunov thanks mate :) happy you like Chill
Tareyev Gregory
Absolutely, any questions
Tareyev Gregory
@kirillchekanov Ping your peers with 🏆 if you reached a big milestone, of course :)
Kirill Chekanov
@tareyevg oops, corrected. Thanks bud 🏆🏆🏆
John Mckay
Big fan of Chill, great concept
Kirill Chekanov
@jmkni big fan of Orca, haha :) Miss you guys
:D Great to see this up here again!
Kirill Chekanov
@brianbest yeah, we are now literally on every platform you can think of :)
hehe, the April 1 Potato thing was hilarious
Kirill Chekanov
@ivangrachyov had a lot of fun with that 😂 You guys got to check out the video, haha
Steven Rueter
Nice! How is it working with the Pebble API? Do they have native SDKs yet?
Tareyev Gregory
@rueter Sure! They have native sdk for iOS & Android, but we're not using it. That app executes pebble js on the phones :)
Richard Stewart
Nice! I use it on iOS... good to have some Pebblers on board
Ilya Trusov
Pebble's tradition is to launch on Kickstarter- ours is to launch everything we build on Product Hunt 😏
Kirill Chekanov
@artgrosvil hahahha, yeah right 😂
Maxim  Yeremenko
Yay! Was waiting for the Pebble app 👍👍
Kirill Chekanov
@maxim_yeremenko bet you'll enjoy your Pebble experience much more now 😉 🔝
Vladimir  Havanskih
Just pledged a buck on Kickstarted for the new Pebble Time. Would love to test. Keep me up to date)
Mike Kosulin
Congrats from TheVyshka:)
Ayaz Kamalov
@kirillchekanov awesome job! Really looking forward to start using it with my mates 😀
Kirill Chekanov
@ayazkamalov thanks bud! :) Please let me know if any feedback
Ayaz Kamalov
@kirillchekanov awesome job! Really looking forward to start using it with my mates 😀
Mo McBirney
My Chill app keeps crashing on iOS. Any tips?
Kirill Chekanov
@motormo what device are you using it with (5/5s/6/6s) and what OS is installed? Please try to reinstall. All should be working
Mo McBirney
@kirillchekanov iPhone 6, iOS 9.3.2. Just reinstalled, still having the same issue. Got through the onboarding process, now it just freezes on the Dialogs screen and then crashes.
Kirill Chekanov
@tareyevg hmm, time to fix some 💩 😂 @motormo I'll let you know soon as you can get back to Chilling :)
Kirill Chekanov
@motormo what is your nickname?
Ayaz Kamalov
@kirillchekanov awesome job! Really looking forward to start using it with my mates 😀
Ayaz Kamalov
@kirillchekanov awesome job! Really looking forward to start using it with my mates 😀