Hey hunters, great to be back here with a new Chill product!
Today we are introducing Chill for Pebble- a tool that lets you communicate with peer Pebblers and other device owners in just a click.
Chill is a way to ping your friends in a certain context using a special iconic language.
Deadline coming? Send a π icon
Sent an urgent email? Ping your co-worker with β
Reached a big milestone? Ping your peers with π
You can Chill using Pebble, AppleWaych, AndroidWear, iOS or Android :)
Get more Chilling opportunities here: iamchill.co π
@kirillchekanov iPhone 6, iOS 9.3.2. Just reinstalled, still having the same issue. Got through the onboarding process, now it just freezes on the Dialogs screen and then crashes.