Designer List as a simple and effective way to find designers based on where they work from. Designers can add themselves to it, include a link to their portfolio, resources like Dribbble, Behance and other contact info.
@eyal_zuri Upvote for city search.
I'm not going to visit someone's external links based on their profile picture though - show me the work already :–p
Otherwise it's like
Perhaps an idea would be to encourage users to upload a thumbnail that represents their work instead. You could also add tags for disciplines to filter through as well maybe?
@eyal_zuri I agree with @stoodley. Instead of displaying designers faces perhaps you can resize them smaller (perhaps make them rounded) and bring into a corner of the block. As a image display the work and on hover on each designer you can even rotate through the different work examples they have added.
Seeing work thumbnail examples without clicking would be most important factor in deciding weather I want to learn more about them.
Would be also cool to have prev/next buttons on the designer page so that I can easily navigate between designers in same country or group without having to go back to the list page.
@stooodley@kristapslazda Thank you so much for the feedback. We see your points clearly and working on addressing them, you should see changes in the next 24hrs.
This is a cool idea, though it would be a lot more helpful if there was a contact link/or email right on the page. It would also be awesome, if I could search for designers by their cities/country to help find someone local.
How is USA not filterable here - Even as an european this is crazy.
Please fix this - i need to find good product designers for Product Hunt (shameless plug) :)
Nice idea! Excited to see its potential as the database grows :) Agree with @kristapslazda, it would be great to see designers' featured work, as right now it looks a bit like a dating site...(!) Perhaps categories would be useful to filter other than location as well, eg. graphic design, UI design, UX design, industrial design, etc? One filter for designers who wouldn't mind working remotely would be great as well!
Interesting site, I would love to connect with you about a non-profit I'm launching, Design Mentors, which is a list of designers around the world willing to mentor other designers. Check it out at
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