Marcos Tanaka

MusicHarbor - Track New Music - Music, videos, concerts and news from your favorite artists.

MusicHarbor is an App Store featured app that enables you to track new music releases, music videos, concert dates and news from your favorite artists. Think of it as your personal, chronological feed of every single new release from the artists you follow!

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Marcos Tanaka
On a bright sunny Wednesday morning, just over a year ago, I've launched MusicHarbor 1.0 here on Product Hunt. 90+ updates and 900+ commits later, here I am again, sharing with you the latest version with over 30 new features and improvements! Since its launch, MusicHarbor has been featured by the App Store Twitter account, and on the "Apps we love right now" section on multiple App Store pages throughout the world. It has also been reviewed by Leo Laporte and Mikah Sargent on iOS Today, and was also nominated the Runner-Up App of the Year (2019) by Federico Viticci on MacStories. It is a native and integrated app, that takes advantage of all of the device's capabilities and latest Apple technologies like iCloud sync, dark mode, Spotlight integration, home screen widget, context menus, keyboard shortcuts and background execution. Let me know what you think about it, and which features would be nice to add in future versions!