I’m confused. Native apps would be ones that you download in the Apple or Google App Store, would they not? The examples shown look like one PWA and one standard mobile-friendly website. Also, to say “crappy PWAs” above but then have as one of your features “we also support PWAs” is odd.
@nicksimard We deliver APK and IPA files that's what we do, we support PWA on a webview container, we don't build PWAs, the main advantage is that you can install it via app stores and optionally add a native drawer menu
@anferneec Primarily it's a directory app, you can have for ex. a list of employees and their details, a list of speakers at conference/event, a restaurant menu/ingredients, or a list of you receipts/orders/ect..
Using services like IFTTT or Zapier you can update the sheet on specific triggers, so really the possibilities are endless