40+ books that will give you a great overview of each industry.
We believe reading this list is an awesome way to understand how the modern world works.
@anuragwho@livia_burbulea totally agree! Even as a founder I find it interesting to learn about the similarities between different industries (great for product ideas too!)
Thank you Livia :)
Hi Product Hunt 👋
This list came out of Trung Phan's awesome tweet asking 500k+ people "what is the single best book to learn about an industry?" (https://twitter.com/TrungTPhan/s...)
We loved this list so much we decided to give it its own page.
Why? Because we truly believe reading these books will give you a great mental map of how the modern world works (did you know there was a sand industry?? 🤯) I'm definitely planning on doing this myself.
We hope you like it too 🙂
P.S. All credit goes to Trung for curating it (seriously, go follow him on Twitter!)
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