MorphL AI - Improve product & business KPIs with AI-driven applications

Predict user behavior and optimize your digital products and services for growth with AI-powered insights from MorphL. Increase your KPIs with plug & play AI applications that increase conversions and engagement. No AI expertise required!

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Hi everyone! It’s Ciprian here, co-founder & CEO of MorphL, coming to you live from Bucharest, Romania. You’re used to reading about AI every day now, so you most likely want to know what makes our platform different. Here’s the "short" version: We help Media/eCommerce businesses improve their performance by using plug & play AI models to better understand and serve their customers. Our own Media/eCommerce customers use the AI integrations we created to improve metrics and create more relevant and engaging user experiences. We call it human-friendly AI. Keep reading to see which AI integration generated a 30% ROI increase for one of our customers. For us, the end goal is to contribute to democratizing AI and bridge the gap between real-world business needs and tech advancements in this field. Our vision is to do it by making AI: 🎯 practical 💖 easy to integrate into existing business flows ⚡️ and simple to use so companies don’t need to hire ML or AI specialists (who are already in very short supply). So far, we’ve developed 5 applications that focus on specific improvements: 1️⃣User Search Intent Classification 2️⃣Customer LTV Prediction 3️⃣Shopping Stage Prediction 4️⃣Churn Prediction 5️⃣Recommender Systems. MorphL is a platform for AI applications, so you can expect many more specific use cases to follow. Today we’re sharing our free demo of User Search Intent Predictions, which helps marketers, SEO specialists, content creators, and paid media pros design high-converting assets for every stage of the funnel. When you use the User Search Intent Predictions model from MorphL, you get automated, AI-enhanced predictions for up to 1,000 keywords of your choosing. The Machine Learning model (which is also open-source: classifies your keywords according to the probability of expressing: ✓ Informational intent ✓ Navigational intent ✓ Transactional intent - Consideration intent - coming soon! This helps you save tens or hundreds of hours of manual work! Instead of manually labeling data yourself, you can use your time to create: ✓ Captivating landing pages ✓ Better ads ✓ Helpful guides for your customers ✓ Stronger CTAs ✓ A more usable website and the list can go on. One of our customers got a 7% increase on their CTR and up to 30% in ROI lift using our User Search Intent Predictions! We’re pretty excited to keep it going, improve it constantly, and help customers understand their clients better. If you want to TRY IT OUT right now, go to this page: If you’re curious to find out more about HOW we trained the model and the results we got, check out this blog article: We currently support English keywords and our accuracy is at 85%, which will continue to improve as the model keeps learning. The reason we decided to build MorphL is that AI has the potential to transform our entire world. It’s already well on its way to do that. We believe we can use our experience, skills, and dedication to continuous learning to build AI applications that are beneficial drivers for growth. These principles - - are embedded into everything we do, and a big part of them is sharing what we learn with the community. We even created the MorphL Community Edition specifically for this: If you’re on the technical side, you can also check out our research paper dedicated to the User Search Intent Predictions model: We’re eager to get your feedback, no matter its shade because we want to continue building practical AI applications that genuinely help our customers. If you have questions, the team and I would love to answer them! 🙏
Alin B
Cool product! Bookmarked for when I have a bigger project! Keep up the good work guys!
@sk_dub Thanks Alin!
Noel Tock
Congratulations on the launch! We have been using MorphL for some time. It seamlessly integrates with large CMS platforms, in the process improving total cost of ownership and time to market.
Gabriel Scinteia
Congratulations for the product launch! Using AI is almost a must. I am going to test intensively the prediction model.
Eugen Potlog
Great job MorphL team! ;) Wish you luck for the next steps that you have planned for the tool! Cheers!
Adina Jipa
Fingers crossed, guys 👊
Razvan Visan
Lachlan Kirkwood
Really impressive use of NLP! Looking forward to using the product once I have enough data 👍
» Luis Herranz
Awesome guys, I'm sure it's going to be huge! :)
Alexandru Porcescu
Enterprise grade quality product validated by an international panel of people from European Data Incubator Challenge.
Sergius Tulare
Cool product! Keep up the good work guys!
Stas Kulesh
The thumbnail animation reminded me of Jeeves and Wooster BBC series
Robert ORourke
Good stuff @cborodescu and team! Been very impressed with the churn prediction model
Thanks @noeltock it's great to have you and your team at Altis ( as our partners. This is only the beginning as you well know ... we have much to do :)
Eduard Budacu
Ghost Kitty
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Robert Katai
Congrats! Will def bookmark and save it to check it our later.
@katairobi Thank you, coming from you that means a lot 😻
Nicolas C.
Bravo Ciprian. Success!
Andrei Negrau
It looks like some exciting stuff. These features would be something we could implement in our ecommerce-focused CRM we're working on now. - Customer LTV Prediction - Shopping Stage Prediction - Churn Prediction Will be keeping an eye on your project, cheers!
@andrei_negrau Yes, these are perfect for CRMs. Let me know if you're thinking of an integration or something, happy to partner up. Cheers & thanks for the support!
Philipp Wolf
Great job and perfect launch, congrats