Monster Jump
Make the little monster jump! Don't touch the yellow spikes
Natasha Takahashi

Belle the Beauty Bot — Belle helps you find trending makeup tutorials.


I like the idea of a beauty bot very much. Can this tool be used by beauty products retailers, so they can upload their own content and then use this bot to suggest their products to customers? It would be cool if the bot could be customized for each user, based on the user’s preferences, style, outlook. I personally like tutorials that have little or no text to read and focus on the visualization of a process, like the tutorials at
Product Pearson
Does it suggest FB videos only, or also YouTube videos, and other platforms? is it kid friendly content all the time?
Natasha Takahashi
@theashtube It can suggest videos from any platform with a URL. As of right now, all published content is from Youtube, but we plan to soon have our own content within the bot (from partner influencers). Our content will definitely be kid-friendly at all times!