Kevin Holesh

Moment 3.0 - Track what apps you use the most on iOS


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Kevin Holesh
Creator of Moment for iOS here, the app that tracks how much you're on your phone. 3.0 is out with two big features: The ability to track what individual apps you use the most (my #1 most requested feature) and a coach to train yourself to use your phone less. The app use tracking breaks down where you spent your screen time that day almost automatically. The Coach starts with a 14-day Phone Bootcamp. Every morning, you'll get a somewhat difficult exercise to do to rethink your phone habits, like "No phone in the bathroom today."" At the end of the two weeks, you'll hopefully question some of your bad habits and have some mental tools to resist your phone. Let me know what questions you have!
Niv Dror
@kevinholesh very cool! People always end up using battery usage as the measure, which of course, "penalizes" battery efficient apps. Something like this should be standard in iOS! 👍
Fraser Smith
@nivo0o0 @kevinholesh As far as I can see, this uses battery use as well. in fact, the whole daily screenshot process of battery use seems an incredibly clunky solution. I am going to try this for a while, but I've disabled the app tracking feature, too much friction.
Andrew Mutavdzija
@kevinholesh @frassmith @nivo0o0 Yep, I'm giving it a try but definitely not what i though I was getting when I reinstalled this app.
Kevin Holesh
@andym_dc @frassmith @nivo0o0 Sorry that wasn't clear. It is a clunky solution compared to something completely automatic, but it's the only one possible withtin Apple's rules.
Mahdi Yusuf
This is really cool, a lot of people have been asking for phone tracking for this might be it if they have an API.
Kevin Holesh
@myusuf3 Thanks! Love the Gyroscope app. No API in Moment right now, but you can export all of your data (settings > Advanced > Export Data).
Daniel Schwartz
@kevinholesh @myusuf3 +1 for a Gyroscope integration/API. This would very nicely round out productivity numbers if layered in with RescueTime.
Robert Hopman
Much more useful than Pokemon go, thanks!
Kevin Holesh
@roberthopman Certainly less entertaining though. So far, 17% of the people using app tracking have installed Pokémon GO and they use it for an average of 56 minutes a day. That's more than Facebook (avg 35 min/day) and Messages (avg 20 min/day) combined. Not bad for an app that didn't exist last week. 🤗
Kevin Holesh
To no one's surpise, the most used app so far is Pokémon GO. Yesterday, it was used more than Facebook and Messages combined. 56M on average.
Gabe O'Leary
Awesome! How did you do that app tracking? Was that enabled by iOS 9.0?
Kevin Holesh
@golear This feature was enabled by iOS 9, but not via a direct API. First thing in the morning, Moment reminds you to take a screenshot of the Battery screen inside the Settings app each morning (Settings app > Battery). That screenshot displays how long each app was used, which Moment detects automatically and OCRs to pull out that data.
Gabe O'Leary
@kevinholesh Interesting...that is not what I was expecting.... So what If I use more than one page of apps per day? then i have to take multiple screenshots? and presumably I have to hit the clock each time so you can see screen time the apps use.
Kevin Holesh
@golear It's a bit of a roundabout solution, but it's the only way for the app not to be creepy (use a VPN and track all web traffic) and play within Apple's rules. Right now, the multiple screenshot thing doesn't work yet, but it will in 3.0.1. The top of that screen, the first 10 apps or so, are the ones you use the most.
Connor Finlayson
This is really awesome. I finished reading "Hooked" by Nir Eyal a few days ago and it made me realise just how much technology and our phones occupy our day-to-day life. I think the first step to changing habits is awareness and by the looks of things this app will allow me to do so.
Kevin Holesh
@finlaysonconnor Exactly! My goal with the Phone Bootcamp (and other courses in the works) is to basically undo the damage caused by the Hooked model's popularity. I've read that book so many times to try to figure out a way to "unhook" you from the apps that are designed to keep you coming back. I hope the app helps you and I'd love to hear any suggestions you have!
Eric Fettner
What's Funny about this is. I'm sitting in an Uber and said "oh, I have to check today's product hunt". Then said to myself "I bet I use product hunt more than any other app". Then this app shows..... Let's find out how much I'm actually on PH.
Kevin Holesh
@ericfettner The question is, do you really want to know? 😉
Berkay Oğulcan TUTAL
I'm still waiting for something ilke the RescueTime for iOS but seems ilke this kind of solutions are the best we've got. No matter what it is a good app and I will give it a try. Good job @kevinholesh
Kevin Holesh
@btutal Thanks Berkay. I'm waiting for something as complete as RescueTime to be possible on iOS, but I don't think that day will come anytime soon. Sandboxing makes it impossible (for good reason, I might add).
Ilya Baklanov
Can't you just use the built-in iOS tracker (settings-battery)? It shows you how many minutes each app was on your screen
Kevin Holesh
@ibaklanov Moment actually does use this screen to extract the "on screen" data for each app. Moment takes that screen one step further by keeping track of your historical app usage and helping you analyze your app usage over time.
Ilya Baklanov
@kevinholesh Sounds great! Wish someone could also breakdown Facebook by actual Facebook browsing and in-app browser reading (when you click on an article and it opens within Facebook)
Gytis Ožiūnas
App is great, but uses a lot of phone battery. By saying a lot I mean A LOT.
Kevin Holesh
@gytis_oziunas With average phone use, it should say about 8% on that Settings > Battery screen. Here are lots of tips to help decrease that battery use if you're seeing higher:
Gregg Katz
This app looks awesome. I just downloaded it and can't wait to get started.
Kevin Holesh
@gregg_katz Thanks Gregg!
Tom Pryor
Does it still count my use of navigation apps towards my limit @kevinholesh ? Was too frustrating before when it didn't take that into account
Kevin Holesh
@thomaspryor Right now, it does. The app tracks all of your screen time as "in use." Unfortunately, there still isn't a way to ignore the use of certain apps (Maps) in real time. Sorry Tom.
Our society needs this desperately. Pokemon Go put us back a thousand years in social communication..
yadav prasanth
Looks good to me. I want to give a try! thanks for this app :)
Athar Majeed
Do I really need to know this but worth trying out. Looks great so let's do it 😀