David M

Moggy or Doggy - Date a single cat or dog owner, pick your team


If pets are important to your lifestyle then Moggy or Doggy lets you find single cat owners or single dog owners with ease. You just need to pick which team you're on. Are you a cat or dog lover? Let us know in the comments.

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David M
Pets can play an important part in your life so if you're dating you may like to find a partner who shares your passion for pets.
Lucas Brown
@david_m7 is it for both android and ios?
David M
@lucasbrown4 Thanks for your question. At the moment it is desktop and mobile web so it can be used on any device but is not a native app.
David M
@lucasbrown4 @carlhenderson3 Thank you so much for the comment. It's mobile web at the moment so works on any device but not native.
Gavin Johnston
@david_m7 did you used ASP.NET frame work to built this?
David M
@ryanwright28 Thank you so much for the feedback. Some exciting press stories will follow soon.
Colin Parr
very unique idea!
David M
@colinparr Thank you so much for the comment and feedback. Dating is such a crowded space and niche products are an exciting way to connect people faster.
Anne Skinner
David M
@anneskinner1 Thank you so much.