@bentossell Hi Ben - we are trying to make this fully mobile focused for app developer and marketers and a big component is around continuing discussion we have offline at our events online. The reason we built this was actually to respond to requests we got over and over again at our events to create a place where people can exchange tips that works in different local markets. We thought reaching 15k members worldwide with our local groups warranted creating a more global place to facilitate those discussions.
@bentossell First of all, it's focused on mobile exclusively. I'd say it's more a forum than a use case / success story board. More helpful and less showing off IMHO.
Then again, there are AMAs and other similar stuff, so not completely different.
I'm enjoying it quite a lot to be honest, there's a powerful, interesting community forming there.
@mordodemaru@bentossell as a founder I find it useful that I can pose specific questions and get responses and not just read others people's best practices - plus technical QnA's is a major plus.
@bentossell Hi Ben, when we took on this project, the task was to build a forum for our community. However, that just didn't seem right. We scrapped the entire project and started from scratch: who is our community, and what do they need? We knew that our community was mobile focused thanks to our 15,000 Meetup Members, and we also knew that they were a pretty mixed group --- marketers, devs, founders, and PMs. The way people in each of these groups learn, teach, and interact is completely different, so how could we assume that a basic forum could handle all their needs?
After a bunch of user interviews, we came to a few thoughts:
1. Marketers and Cofounders love thought leadership -- either to be recognized as a thought leader, or to hear from a thought leader. They will discuss and converse. -- Discussions
2. Developers and PMs want an answer to their questions. When they go to a forum, they usually need a straightforward answer. -- Questions and Anwers
3. The main thing both groups have in common-- they need users and testers for their mobile apps, and they want an expert to tell them how to get there. -- AMAs
With these three things in mind, we built mobilegrowth.org, which will always be a work in progress, changing with the needs of the community.
So what differentiates the Mobile Growth Community (MGC)?
1. Most people build an online community and bring it to life in person-- we had a thriving in person community that needed a base to connect around the world
2. We are dedicated to finding and filling the needs of our ever changing community
3. Our focus on all things mobile, regardless of what that may evolve into
4. and of course, we have an amazing team that knew nothing about how to build a community "by the rules," but just hacked and tried things with only the understanding of what they would want in a community.
Love projects like these that democratize knowledge by helping people learn from one another. Cool mix of forums, AMAs, etc. (Also love that they spelled out their community "ground rules" on the homepage!)
I was the 100th user of the community :-) I love the initiative.. It's surprising that no one thought about building a mobile growth focussed community till now. Good luck guys!
@rgupta29 Hi Rabi, we were surprised as well. We actually built an app a couple of years ago and were surprised how little marketing and growth tips were out there for mobile - especially considering getting noticed as an app is so much harder than it is on the web. Thanks for the comment!
With more than 50k apps launched per month, breaking the clutter is very hard. We put this together to help mobile app founders/developers/growth marketers to have a go to place :)
I really enjoy attending the mobile growth events and already got a lot of great inputs there. Glad that there's an online community now to exchange ideas and best practices. Looking forward to more stuff online!
@oliverhuebler thanks for the kind words! Connecting with builders like you at mobile growth events is definitely one of my favorite parts of being on the Branch team, so it's wonderful to hear you've found the community valuable. We're really excited to bring some of this to those who might not have the chance to attend a meetup in person
Attended to Branch Mobile Growth events in Moscow as speaker and Berlin as visitor. Thank you guys for opportunity to meet so many great people! Looking forward for more events in Berlin.
@flibustier3 we're looking forward to more Berlin events too! Thanks so much for helping out in Moscow, and please let us know if you'd be interested in doing an AMA on the new online community 😆
Really enjoyed what Branch is doing to create a community around Mobile Growth entrepreneurs and companies! Attended to the first meetup in Madrid, and was great
@nrpalao the community reception so far in Madrid has been amazing. We can't wait to go back again! Thanks for being part of it — couldn't do it without you
I really enjoy attending the mobile growth events and already got a lot of great inputs there. Glad that there's an online community now to exchange ideas and best practices. Looking forward to more stuff online!
Mobile Growth by Branch
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Mobile Growth by Branch