Matthew Deiters

Visor - Request a photo or video from any location, right now


Visor is an online tax filing and advisory solution that removes the hassle and complexity from doing your taxes. Our experienced team will help you file your return and advise year-round for a flat fee.

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Ryan Hoover
Here's another addition to Teleportation Apps collection. @besvinick first showed me Visor a few weeks ago. While interesting, I'm not sure how often I want to request a photo of a specific location, considering the ~30 minute wait. Now, if it was near real-time, that would be very compelling and certainly feasible in the coming years as wearables + livestreaming gains adoption. Right, @kayvz? 😉
Jason White
@besvinick @kayvz @rrhoover thanks for your interest in Visor. We just launched a new version last week (Friday March 27) and it's a big step forward in UX and fulfillment speed. You'll often receive live photos of locations in New York in just a couple of minutes. Fulfillment times in this new version are down by more than 50% and we've seen a nearly 7X increase in volume of new requests since the update. Feel free to check out the new version and let us know what you think. While we're officially limiting our support to New York City for the moment, we'll be announcing other cities shortly and we're confident Visor is much closer to the 'very compelling', instant gratification paradigm you're excited about (and we are too!)
@besvinick @kayvz @rrhoover @nycjw It's interesting. I just like this type of product in general. could be interesting to use Twitter or other platform to help spread the request
Jason White
@besvinick @rrhoover @alexyoungkwon Thx Alex. Yes especially given what a great job @kayvz and others have done leveraging Twitter, we think there may be something useful in that for certain aspects of Visor.
Adam Cudworth
Surely this isn't going to work unless you've got a huge number of users? What are the chances of someone being in place x, having Visor on their device and being willing to send a photo/video back? Nice idea, but just can't see how you're going to get enough people to download the app in order to make it work.
Jason White
@adamcudworth thanks and great question! In order to overcome this â€˜cold start’ problem, Visor has its own people roaming around so that if a â€˜regular user’ isn’t in a certain spot at a given moment, one of our roaming team members can bike/drive over to a location and deliver the requested photo in just a few moments. We’ve been refining this system in New York for a few months and it’s working well! We plan to officially launch a number of other cities with similar operations soon. Likewise, in our next version of the app (coming in days) Visor will allow users to offer monetary rewards as an incentive to others. This means you could add $1, $2, or $5 for example to increase the chances that someone will claim and fulfill your request quickly, even if it means they have to travel a few blocks to do so. Make sense? In short, we have systems in place to ensure Visor will work at all levels of scale. Give it a shot and let us know how it's working for you as we grow!
Mike Bestvina
@adamcudworth @nycjw this is a great idea. You could easily add a gamification layer and people would use it. Seriously, people love internet points...or even "mayor" type stuff a la 4sq style. Additionally, it might be worth limiting it to certain cities (NYC/SF are good ideas) at first and then putting people on waiting lists for other cities.
Jason White
@adamcudworth @mbesto Thx Mike and welcome to the Visor community! Great call-- we're actually really excited about some of these gamification opportunities and have already begun to explore a few angles. Other users have shown real interest in the same direction and we appreciate the feedback. As for cities, we're currently encouraging usage in NYC first (which we're supporting officially) and we plan to announce support for a number of other cities soon. We considered restricting use outside our official cities (i.e waiting lists) but for now we've decided to let people engage and play around since the app can still be quite useful and fun, even if community size is a little smaller in some places. Thanks again for the feedback and let us know how you're enjoying things as the product and community grow!
Matt Hamlin
This is an idea I have been working on for the past week or two but with live streaming, allowing people to request others to livestream a specific location/event. Really cool for validation to look at an app like this!
Jason White
@immatthamlin Hey Matt thanks for your comments, it's always nice to hear about people working on big and/or similar ideas! We're definitely excited about the implications of live video by request and are in final stages developing/testing this feature for inclusion in Visor. If you'd ever like to chat, feel free to tweet at me personally or send an email to info AT and someone will reach out to talk.
Tarikh Korula
Cool idea and just tried a request! But man, Facebook login *and* phone number seems excessively speed bumpy on first use. Also, you're sending mobile notifications and text messages, and you're sending two for each photo (received and completed) meaning 4 total buzzes on my phone. Not a great experience. SMS is overkill. Anyway, nice work and congrats on the launch!
Jason White
@tarikh thanks for the kind words and feedback! Yep we're looking at some of our stats and may strip out phone validation and drop sms alerts. We had this included for a few reasons but we're questioning whether the benefits outweigh the 'bumpiness' you (rightfully) mention. We'll likely take some action on this very shortly. Thanks again and warm welcome to the Visor community. Let us know how you're enjoying things as the community & product grow!
Jason White
@tjlivesey thanks for your interest and welcome to the Visor community! We've just started to see growth in London and other cities nearby and we're thrilled for the interest and support of early adopters in these places. Yep, as mentioned in a comment above, our next build of Visor (coming very shortly) will allow you add a financial reward to your request. With this you'll be able to offer someone e.g. $1, $2, or $5 to quickly claim and complete a request. And likewise, if you're on the responding side of a request, you'll be able to earn $ for sending simple photos/videos around town. Don't hesitate to let us know how you're finding the experience in London as it grows!
Braden Hamm
@nycjw I'm working on an app and website that has a "request" element to it and I'm struggling with how to go about it, since there aren't a lot of examples out there. To be honest, only downloaded Visor to see how your request flow worked. Any insight on your struggles with that aspect of the app, and why you went with the method you have (search> ask to see> get more specific> submit)?
Jason White
@bradenhamm current flow is the result of much trial and error, learning, iteration etc. (Which continues). After years of designing software products I still find the best and only way to do things is to step off the curb with some version of what's in your head and put it in the hands of users. The key is doing that and then parsing/assymilating the feedback as quickly (and cheaply!) as possible. Hopefully that's not totally unhelpful! ;-)
Braden Hamm
@nycjw Thanks. I'm gleaning some new methods (time based acceptance of the fulfilled request) as well as validating some I've had (using a chat interface for requests) while playing around with Visor's request feature. The "accept transaction" button alone was very helpful.
Lena Weinstein
Great work on the app! Very useful:)
Jason White
@lilbaga thanks & welcome to the Visor community! Keep your eye out for nearby requests and don't hesitate to let us know how it's working for you.
Love the idea about being able to get some insight into how long a line is.
Jason White
@kristofertm thanks! Yep that's one of many use cases we're really excited about. Welcome to the Visor community and let us know how it's working for you as we grow.
Katelan Cunningham
I showed up to the dmv last week to see a line that was a block long. I would have waited a bit had I gotten a picture of the line before I showed up :) I'm excited to see how Visor evolves!
Jason White
@kalivia Thanks! DMV has been one of our central motivators as a company :-) Welcome to the Visor community and keep us posted on your experience using the app as it grows!
Wayne Slavin
Seems like it’s mostly about NYC right now. My requests there have gotten claimed pretty quickly and it’s really cool when it works. The chat session with the other person opens up some cool possibilities like putting your name on a restaurant list.
Jason White
@wayneslavin thanks and welcome to the Visor community. Yes we're focussing mostly on New York city for the moment but planning to announce support for a number of other cities very shortly. Spot on regarding small tasks. We've had a number of users asking to have someone add a name to a wait list, check product prices, and more and are excited to see where things go with this. Welcome again and let us know who you're enjoying the experience as the app grows.
tom meagher
Sounds similar to Bounty (a.k.a Periscope pre-pivot). Will check it out!
Jason White
@thomasmeagher thanks for your comments and interest. From what I've read about the original Bounty concept, it sounds a bit like Jelly (take a pic and request info). With Visor we've aimed to provide something more akin to realtime Google streetview -- offering the ability for someone to request and obtain a realtime look (and perhaps additional hyperlocal information about wait times, product availability and more) at any location. Give it a shot and let us know how you like it!
Jason White
@thomasmeagher Thanks Tom! :-)
Drew Moxon
@thomasmeagher Yep - from M.G.'s take, and early screenshots, this sounds very similar to an initial incarnation of Bounty/Periscope. Since that never launched, I'm looking forward to checking this out. source:
Tom Livesey
I like this and it's good to see some more activity on it now although not much going on in London yet. Someone requested a picture from the location that I had already posted one so I could try it out which was nice. There seems to be an account balance and an option to top up with no obvious reason for it? Is there going to be an option to pay for a request I assume? Edit: OK I see in the reply above, it does look the balance will be used for rewards in the next version.
Jim Carter III
Congrats on the launch! I'd love to hear more about the Patent you show in the screenshot.
Ahmed SAAD
Would like to see it spreading everywhere , good job ;)
Jason White
@ah_saad1 Thanks Ahmed that's our goal :-) Warm welcome to the Visor community.
Chris Saad
Love this app and the team. I've been watching it evolve and each iteration is a massive step forward. Glad to see it blowing up!
Jason White
@chrissaad thank you sir! Grateful for your support and enthusiasm.
Jason White
Just want to drop a sincere thanks to the ProductHunt community for so much voting, app usage, and great feedback today! The Visor team is grateful and psyched to see such a positive reaction to what we've built over the past many months...
Kavita Gaitonde
Nice! Downloaded it but haven't used it yet. For the fulfillment issue , figure out a way to get your app on every Uber driver's phone :)