Philippe Lehoux

Missive 2.0 - The one app for email and chat


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Aram Shahinyan
the logo KICKS ASS!
Philippe Lehoux
@aramiggs That is the work of my co-founder and awesome designer. You should follow him @_tristan
Tristan Pollock
@plehoux I'll add him to the Tristan squad đŸ‘đŸ»
Philippe Lehoux
Hi, I’m Philippe, co-founder at Missive. We’re really happy to launch Missive’s latest version on Product Hunt! What started out as an email client with partial chat capabilities has become a full fledged email and team chat solution for businesses. Our innovation lies in the way we merge email and chat in a common interface. It will become second nature for people to archive and snooze chats as they are processing their inbox. As foreign as chat is to email, mixing them unleashes unforeseen possibilities. It leads to a truly asynchronous workflow and avoids the fear of missing out people get in other chat apps. Better at email; Better at chat; Better at work! Try it out. Your feedback is welcome.
David Chang
@plehoux Nice idea! When syncing gmail, separate "Primary", "social", and "promotion" tab will be a plus. As a gmail users I am not used to an inbox messed with social notification and ads.
Philippe Lehoux
@chang2301 We are receiving this comment a lot and we are looking into ways to solve this pain for Gmail-Web users.
Lauren L Perfors
@chang2301 @plehoux Agreed! That would be huge. I doubt I could have our team switch without that function. In the interim, a Gmail filter will get those out of your inbox. Just have to remember to check those labels. They'll still have an unread count. Here's the filter (example for the updates):
Rafael Masson
@laurenlperfors @chang2301 @plehoux Indeed! I actually use an alternate version of this filter to Mark As Read rather than Skip the Inbox. See: I like all messages to remain in my main inbox, but want to avoid notifications for these. Any decent main client will not notify new messages that come in already marked as read. It’s awesome that Gmail makes their smart categories available in filters, it let’s you benefit from their powerful algorithm from any client.
Audrey Labuxiere
We've been using Missive for several weeks now at Muxu Muxu and we love it! <3
Jake Cohn
Reminds me of @simoncaminada and the Alloy browser with how they group tabs together into 'Tasks'. Here you group chats into a task which I would assume greatly improves focus and alignment. Really like the idea for teams. The fact that it's all integrated in one smooth UI is the icing on the cake! :)
Philippe Lehoux
@leftearpod @simoncaminada You get the vision!
François Lehoux
Long time user here. You can use Missive for just about anything. I have an organization with my flatmate where we track all of our expenses and conversations with our landlord/utility providers. Real time saver ! Disclaimer: Totally not related to @plehoux 🙄
Tom Bielecki
@f_lehoux @plehoux how do you seperate your rent/utilities emails from your personal ones when using this app? Do you have a separate email account specifically for rent/utils?
Philippe Lehoux
@tombielecki @f_lehoux You can import multiple email accounts in the app + no email gets auto shared to teammates (except ones which fits predefined rules setup in the settings ( I will leave it to @f_lehoux to explains his setup.
François Lehoux
@tombielecki @plehoux Our setup is pretty straightforward. I only use my personal email with missive. I don't actually separate any of the emails but you could do it with labels (by creating a 'flat' label on gmail and swapping 'inbox' for 'flat' on any flat related email). The way we use it right now is that we'll mention each other on important emails to create a thread. We have a chat room used only for logging our expenses and use the general one for everything else.
Antoine Meunier
Not sure if anybody here is doing it that way but I've been using it mostly for myself. (ie.: I ditched Airmail and started using Missive on my Mac and hooked it up with various mailboxes that I have.) Even without a proper team, this is by far the best email client I've used. Kudos guys!
IgnĂĄcio R. Correia
Hi @plehoux will try it. But in the meanwhile check your site in safari in iOS. Is no opening. You may be losing Clients. 🙈
Philippe Lehoux
@igcorreia Our home page & email web client is working on my phone. Do you have more details? Thanks for the report.
Mario Rossi
@igcorreia @plehoux The site relys on cloudfront and typekit (scripts). Maybe some plugin is blocking them? I ues uMatrix for instance
IgnĂĄcio R. Correia
@plehoux I openend ProductHunt ios app, them cliked get-it button, it went to safari but the site didn't open.
Andreas Duess
I realize that I might be losing my geek card here, but I just Don't. Get. Missive. There, I said it. To me, it tries to do the impossible, pull email into a format that email was never designed for. The combination of email and chat, far from creating clarity, creates confusion. Where did the conversation start? Where are the important bits? WHo's read this? Have the forwarded it to somebody else who isn't part of the conversation? Then, attaching individual chats to individual emails perpetuates the problem that Slack has solved so beautifully - it continues to create knowledge silos. With Slack, or similar products, I have a clean conversation that covers a defined topic. With email, and Missive is not solving this issue for me, I have many different conversation, with many different branches moving off. I realize that there are many fans, so please don't think I'm judging the product - it's me, not you ;)
Rafael Masson
Hi @andreasduess, Missive CTO here. Thanks a lot for your comment. An important goal of Missive is to stop using email for internal discussion, where chat is much more efficient. Maybe we aren’t making this clear enough? Email is the communication channel for the outside world and Missive shines by letting your team internally discuss around emails related to customer support, sales, partnerships and what not. Missive chats are not attached to individual emails, but rather mixed freely with emails from a given thread. So you get both all emails and all chat comments related to a given subject. “Where did the conversation start? Where are the important bits?” => These are actually problems we have with Slack, not in Missive. In Slack, channels may define topics, but as soon as a channel remains active for say 2+ days, it is very likely to cover various sup-topics, and this is where you lose scope. I have described these issues with traditional group chat in a Medium post:
Andreas Duess
@rafbm Perhaps my confusion has to do with the way I use email - I've been zealous about inbox zero, for years now. My inbox is not a to-do list, that job is done elsewhere (wrike, in our/my case). As a result, emails I receive never stay visible for longer than I need to take action on them, then they get either deleted or archived away. When trying Missive, I quickly found too many emails, from too many sources, mixing with too many chats and that, again for me, the entire thing quickly turned into a bit of a mess. I also have to say that I disagree with the issues you're describing for Slack - and I am really hoping that I am not just saying this because I've been drinking the Slack Cool-Aid. If something important happens in Slack one of two things happen. 1. It gets pulled out of Slack and into Wrike for time tracking/project tracking. That's not Slack's job and neither should it be Missive's unless you wish to turn this into a fully fledged project management tool. 2. If it's important, but not important enough to be pulled out, then it gets starred. And then, there is always the awesome search function, that works really well in Slack. In closing, I've got a workflow built with tools that work for me - and Missive isn't part of that toolbelt. That doesn't mean that you should change a single thing, I am just one guy. Looking at the feedback on this page, you have many, many fans who love Missive and for whom it solves a real need so all power to you and much success. Cheers, A.
Rafael Masson
@andreasduess “When trying Missive, I quickly found too many emails” => I assume you are used to Gmail web, which displays promotional emails / notifications in separate inboxes. It’s a common feedback we get and will work to make this less of a friction. Our team does use Missive as a project management tool. We love to be able to handle all of our work within the same app, and do plan on introducing more project-oriented features such as Tags (to group conversations) and Tasks (assignable to team members). Thanks again for your constructive comments.
Tristan Pollock
It looks like you are focusing on B2B. Can I bring together all emails, messenger apps, SMS, etc into one with this for my personal survival?
Philippe Lehoux
@writerpollock You can definitely consume personal emails (multi email accounts) on Missive, a lot of our users use it without being part of an organization. Since the app is multi-orgs, you can also start org with family, friends or whatnot. To give you an example, I've created an organization with my wife so we could manage the construction of our house ( Missive is the perfect place to manage our communication with architect, entrepreneur, city officials, etc. We can easily coordinate and keep up to date on the project. As for SMS, messenger apps, etc. are not things we plan to integrate... but hey who knows. ;)
Antoine Meunier
@plehoux @writerpollock Been doing that and it's been a game changer for myself and my whole 1-person organization! :P
Hieu Hiep Nguyen
very nice, I've used both missive and polymail for a time. Relize that missive is cleaner and syncing speed is faster. but both are good!
Philip Barclay
Awesome design, love the idea.
Gabriel Lewis
@jackdweck Pitch with Gif?
Solid app made by a solid team. GG guys!
Jean-Philippe Dumont
I never really like the Gmail web client. I only used my Gmail account to log in YouTube and Google Play. I started to use Missive as my email client, and now I like my Gmail account. The best thing about Missive is that you see your chat conversations at the same place as your email conversations. ***Great feature Alert: You can delete a previously posted chat message. so if you send your boss to Hell you can save yourself. ***Great Feature Alert: You can collapse the image posted. You wont have to see the cat gifs anymore.
Simon Prévost
Been using Missive for a long time, it’s the snapiest email client I’ve ever used! Great job guys ;)
Corentin Brossault
Find out about Missive from - looks stunning! And thanks a lot for the checklist ;)
Hassan Abdulhamid
I love it. Awesome design