Emily Hodgins

Mirror - The mirror that's also an interactive home gym

When off, it's a full-length mirror. When on, see yourself, your instructor and your classmates in a sleek, interactive display, complete with embedded camera and speakers. All you need is the space of a yoga mat for a high-energy workout in any room in your home!

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Joshua Kozak
$1500 for Mirror + $40 per month is going to be a hard sell. There will definitely be a luxury market for it, but many will just set up a $5 mirror and a free YouTube video to achieve a very similar experience.
Dori Gray
@coachkozak The Mirror knows your injuries and will give you alternate exercises during moves it knows will bother you, and tracks your biometric data.
@coachkozak Not at all a hard sell, but I see why you suggest it since you do have a YouTube fitness channel. A $5 mirror and youtube has no health data, class schedule or interactive community joy. There are plenty of educated well incomed woman who will hop on this. I bought mine yesterday and can’t wait to avoid gyms, parking, and $25/class jig all the while being plugged into some high tech motivation.
Ryan Hoover
In-home, tech-enabled workout equipment is taking off. Of course there's Peloton which has inspired a wave of new startups. Last month Tonal launched and ClassPass recently diversified their offering with a WFH (workout from home) solution.
Emily Hodgins
Peloton Cycle is launching in the UK this Autumn and I've been toying with the idea of getting one because I love classes but find it hard to make down to the gym (plus ultimate introvert that would rather just work out alone!) Mirror is an exciting addition in this space for those, like me, who would rather work out from home but really enjoy the motivation from an instructor and classes. Excited to see this space expand!
@ems_hodge I have a Peloton for 2 years now and LOVE it. It is a total came changer and the WO and music are A-mazing. I referred 3 people and they are very happy. Do it and try Robin Arzon’s classes.
Joshua Pinter
$1,500 for this. Average gym membership is about $50 / month. $1,500 / $50 = 30 months / 12 months = 2.5 years to pay this off. Not including the monthly subscription or the equipment necessary to do some of the exercises. I actually prefer to leave my condo to work out. It's like having a separate room when you work from home. It's a psychological trick to separate activities. Ultimately, though, whatever gets you working out regularly is worth (almost) any dollar amount.
@joshuapinter $50 month is for standard gym with standard classes. Specialty classes like yoga, BAR etc and other classes are $15-25 per class in the SF Bay for that boutique experience. Since they have that level of classes This is likely the client base. And there are many many woman who will spend the money.
Dori Gray

MIRROR is a thin mirror that goes up on your wall, and you have access to a wide variety of fitness classes both live and on demand. You see and hear the instructor in the mirror, and you see yourself as you follow along. It also plays music, tracks your heart rate and calories burned right on the MIRROR screen, keeps you accountable for your goals and much more. It is convenient and great for those who don't have a lot of time to get to the gym or a class, and for those who take fitness classes this ends up costing less in the long run (especially if you're based in the NY area). Classes are as short as 15 minutes and as long as an hour, with everything from stretch to yoga to pilates to barre, to cardio bootcamp, to strength to boxing and more. Live classes are interactive and fun.


Wide variety of classes, all different class lengths, personalized, takes up no space


Does not yet integrate with other fitness tracking systems

Floyd Miller
If I could use Mirror with a PT watching me doing the exercises one on one, I would not hesitate to buy this.
Floyd Miller
@thedorigray Really? Is this on the site somewhere?
Dori Gray
@hiimfloyd Under the Workouts tab it says sign up for 1:1 training sessions for extra attention. I know at least one of the trainers is a PT so I am sure you could ask for them specifically.
Floyd Miller
@thedorigray Thank you!
Anna Filou
This looks fantastic but I have some questions/potential issues: 1. Do you offer international shipping and professional installation? Or US only? 2. I read on the website that the mirror is "Controlled by iOS-only companion app". Will there be an Android app in the future? Is the current app compatible with both iPhones and iPads? 3. In regards to the optional equipment, pull-ups are a great exercise, does mirror support pull-up bars as equipment? The user would likely have to get out of the mirror's view to use it though so not sure if that could work.
@anna_0x Answers below and also happy to answer any other questions you may have! 1. Unfortunately we do not currently support purchases outside of the continental United States. 2. The MIRROR App is currently only supported by iOS for both iPhone and iPad. 3. We don't currently support pull-up bars, but we allow you to filter for the following equipment: Chair, Dumbbells, Jump Rope, Kettlebells, Medicine Ball, Resistance Bands (included with every purchase), and Yoga Blocks. However, we're continuing to add new equipment and workouts, so pull up bars may be added in the future!
Dori Gray
@anna_0x @getthemirror @kathy_h you don’t have to have any equipment, there are tons of body weight classes and you can filter by that. The Mirror also comes with resistance bands so you’ll also have those and don’t have to buy
Rochelle Elias

Get it now because you won’t regret it. Think of it as another way you won’t make an excuse why you couldn’t work out today :)


It’s unreal! What’s not to like about a virtual trainer except you get a ton of them and a community of people all in your home


Add sports skills perhaps for teens?

Babken Karapetyan
A unique idea, but what about the value, how much will it cost?
Joshua Pinter
@babken_karapetyan Literally says it right on the webpage.
Raveesh Bhalla
Looks neat. Would have preferred if the mirror itself came free by subscribing to "coaching program", since a lot of folks could then theoretically claim that money back from their employer's health benefits if gym expenses are covered. Gonna keep an eye on it anyway!
Astghik A
I wouldn't give more than $10, though the idea is nice.
@astghik_azaryan Peloton just got $6 Billion in valuation so it seems that there are a lot of people willing to spend even $3000 and $40/mo on themselves.
Kathy H
@astghik_azaryan @tjwise_ and Calm got a ton of funding for medication, ridiculous, we are in another bubble.
Anica Lewis
Does this item come with a warranty and service options for bugs? Have they experienced any technical issues? I live in a remote Colorado town 2hrs from Denver, would service be available here?
@anica_lewis thanks for your interest! We offer a one-year limited warranty (full terms here: https://www.mirror.co/warranty). In the event that your Mirror needs repair, we'll provide a replacement Mirror or send our partner to service your Mirror, available everywhere in the continental US. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Shane Collins
@getthemirror I purchased this to surprise my bride for Christmas and I am actually sitting in my den waiting for XPO Logistics to deliver our Mirror. @anica_lewis inspired another question that I neglected to ask originally. Do you offer any type of extended warranties for the Mirror, considering we are among the first to purchase? I am super excited for her to see it this evening! Thank you
Heather Smithrock
I'm thisclose to trying it. Currently my husband and I never have time to work out. We have a 1 yr old and a 3 yr old and both work full time. Between drop offs and pick ups and play time and dinner, we do not have time to even sign up for classes at the gym right down the street! We used to own a boot camp gym and love to do high intensity workouts. I would love to try it, but am leaning heavily on the 30-day trial. We have very specific requirements for workouts - and high intensity is one of them. I'm only a little worried that the strength and boot camp classes won't be enough. Anyone have any feedback on the workouts? We would love for this to be our solution for working out during nap time! Heather
Dori Gray
@heather_smithrock I have one! There are four levels of workouts and the level 3s and 4s are tough, I promise! Of course each class varies but you can actually see what’s in the class before choosing to do it. There are also programs made up of the classes that were voted the hardest. It’s an amazing workout!
William Trump
And why not use the usual mirror? It is much more convenient and qualitative.
Raffi Muradyan
cool staff i need this
Anthony Da Mota
What a nice smart mirror application. However that's pricey considering a mirror like this costs about ~$150 to ~$500 at most at public prices. The R&D is something to be considered in the price, but still.
Jaimin Patel
Nice idea. too pricey, may be not meant for mass audience. I am sure they have done market research before placing this price tag. Whats the value addition of hardware compared to not having smart tv app or apple tv app and providing same thing?
Anthony Ulrich

You made our list of the most exciting product of Product Hunt this fall http://bionic-app.com/2018/01/26...

Do you have a social aspect for users to post and discuss?


I'm excited for your team. The product looks amazing and the opportunities to monetize through subscriptions are endless. I'd happily demo:)


None come to mind. I could see a lower mirror price and monetizing via subscription as a possible win win for all parties.

Abigail Joe

Mirror looks sleek and really makes an awesome product but I would rather choose smart mirrors that allows using my fave training app like QAIO Flex, or Smartspot that checks on the mirror if the forming is good.


Good for in home workouts


Limited to one application only

Sabrina Choo

There could be a better version


Techy, new, good for home


Apps are VERY limited and constricted.