Mirror - The mirror that's also an interactive home gym
When off, it's a full-length mirror. When on, see yourself, your instructor and your classmates in a sleek, interactive display, complete with embedded camera and speakers. All you need is the space of a yoga mat for a high-energy workout in any room in your home!
Personal Trainer by TrackMyFitness
Product Hunt
Product Hunt
MIRROR is a thin mirror that goes up on your wall, and you have access to a wide variety of fitness classes both live and on demand. You see and hear the instructor in the mirror, and you see yourself as you follow along. It also plays music, tracks your heart rate and calories burned right on the MIRROR screen, keeps you accountable for your goals and much more. It is convenient and great for those who don't have a lot of time to get to the gym or a class, and for those who take fitness classes this ends up costing less in the long run (especially if you're based in the NY area). Classes are as short as 15 minutes and as long as an hour, with everything from stretch to yoga to pilates to barre, to cardio bootcamp, to strength to boxing and more. Live classes are interactive and fun.
Pros:Wide variety of classes, all different class lengths, personalized, takes up no space
Cons:Does not yet integrate with other fitness tracking systems
Get it now because you won’t regret it. Think of it as another way you won’t make an excuse why you couldn’t work out today :)
Pros:It’s unreal! What’s not to like about a virtual trainer except you get a ton of them and a community of people all in your home
Cons:Add sports skills perhaps for teens?
Knight TouchBar 2000
You made our list of the most exciting product of Product Hunt this fall http://bionic-app.com/2018/01/26...
Do you have a social aspect for users to post and discuss?
Pros:I'm excited for your team. The product looks amazing and the opportunities to monetize through subscriptions are endless. I'd happily demo:)
Cons:None come to mind. I could see a lower mirror price and monetizing via subscription as a possible win win for all parties.
Mirror looks sleek and really makes an awesome product but I would rather choose smart mirrors that allows using my fave training app like QAIO Flex, or Smartspot that checks on the mirror if the forming is good.
Pros:Good for in home workouts
Cons:Limited to one application only
There could be a better version
Pros:Techy, new, good for home
Cons:Apps are VERY limited and constricted.