Daniel Fosco

Miro Teams Workspace - Your content always up to date on Miro


Get the full picture and up-to-date content without ever leaving your Miro board, with new integrations for Looker, Grafana, Youtube, Confluence and hundreds of your favorite tools!

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Daniel Fosco
Hey Product Hunt! 👋 I'm Daniel, a product designer at Miro. Today, we're excited to introduce you to a dynamic way to bring data and content to your Miro board with new integrations, powered by the Miro Developer Platform. More than ever, we need to find the information and insights that matter to us — this gets especially challenging when content is scattered across all the tools we use every day. To solve this problem, we're expanding Miro's capabilities as a shared team workspace through integrations with some of your favorite tools: Looker, Grafana, Confluence, YouTube, and hundreds more. Here are some new ways you can use Miro to collaborate more efficiently: • Turn your Miro boards into custom dashboards – it’s as easy as pasting a link! • Get the most up-to-date insights to make informed decisions as a team. • Easily import, review and annotate your videos directly on the board. • Preview and edit documents right on the Miro board, with synced updates. This is just the beginning – more integrations will be available soon! Enroll in the Beta program using the link below and let us know what you think. We'd love to hear your feedback and answer any of your questions! https://miro-survey.typeform.com...
Rupert Denton
@daniel_fosco I completed a really amazing web development boot camp recently. It was fully remote and a huge part of its tooling was Miro! Congratulations on creating such a helpful product. Looking forward to checking out this new release
Daniel Fosco
@rupert_denton Thank you for the kind words, Rupert! Glad to hear Miro had a positive impact in your journey 😄
Tanmay Parekh
@daniel_fosco All the best for the launch Can't wait to try out.
Madeleine Lamou
Great add-on 👍🏽 Congrats on the launch! The link seems to be broken though: "That page can’t be reached, but if you double-check it, we’re happy to try again."
Daniel Fosco
@madomadeleine Thanks for the heads up Madeleine, fixed! ☺️
Shushant Lakhyani
Miro is an all time favourite whiteboard solution
Tetiana Shataieva
We use Miro! It' such a wonderful tool. And it's so good to hear about new integrations! Good luck guys 🚀
Arian Sk
congratulation on launch, gonna try
Márcia Monteiro
Congrats on the launch. Love the tool!! These integrations will make them even better!
Jaydinesh kartapandi
Congrats on the launch. that's cool
Arian Shaikh
surely gonna try this, such amazing product
Claudiu Petria
cool stuff! 😍
Alex Kovalenko
Thanks for your product. It's very nice :)