Jens Boje

Habit Tracker - A crazy no-code habit tracker to make habits stick


A complete no-app, no-code, no-battery habit tracker to make your new habit stick. Print it out, grab some pens and get started.

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Jens Boje
I made a habit tracker with the next generation of no-code, it's called no-app. Yep, no code, no app and we are back to the best tool for tracking habits. Paper. The cycle of evolution closes. Woooah. Fun aside, I've found my way back to pen and paper in recent years. It's still one of the best tools to tackle thing. Not only habit tracking, but this post is about it, so I stick to that. I've been using pen & paper again for journaling, todo lists, brainstorming, gaining clarity, habit tracking and more. And it worked wonders for me. Better than any apps I tried before. Over the time I created my own templates, which I started to share now with the first one. This habit tracker. It's using the habit streak method but with a twist to engage more senses. More senses involved = higher chance to stick. So, print out the habit tracker, grab some pens and get started. Stick it to a place where you see it often during the day and do your new habit.