noah rosenberg

Mimi Music 3.0 - Clear music and sound customized by your hearing profile

With Mimi Music, in 2 min you can test your hearing, and process the sound of your music to your hearing profile. This means you'll hear more nuances and clarity in the music that you love!

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Guido Knook
Hi Product Hunt! I'm so excited to show Mimi Music to the community! Thanks @nrose for hunting! We started Mimi with the vision to give everyone the best possible hearing experience. This made us question: Why do we all listen to music in the same way? Our ears are as unique as our fingerprints, so why is music the same? With Mimi Music, in 2 min you can test your hearing, and process the sound of your music to your hearing profile. This means you'll hear more nuances and clarity in the music that you love! We'd love you all to try it out and get feedback on the product, the sound processing and of course the concept! Greetings, Guido
Tigran Hakobyan
@gknook Congrats on being featured on PH! Liked the idea and will try it for sure! By the way, which mobile analytics tool do you use to track your app usage? I'd suggest trying to see how people actually use your app. Have a look, I bet you'll like it ;)
noah rosenberg
I've been a huge fan of this product since Spring–absolutely mindblowing how much more of your music is hiding away in your little apple earpods! I'm a little embarassed to admit so much of my hearing has been destroyed by too many loud IDM concerts, but the hearing test really seems to know how to pump up the areas I've been missing. Now with Spotify support I've been getting into some of the better IDM and techno playlists. The new Moderat album sounds amazing. Also, tho they don't say so in the app, this makes music sound way better in the car.
We hope not only people with hearing disabilities will use this as a health tech benefit, but also anyone who enjoys more clear sound on an app that lets you personalize music lists from SoundCloud and Spotify and adding other platforms soon.. Hunted for the first time! So cool :)
Dennis Sprute
I tweeted a couple of weeks ago that I wished I could listen to some songs for the first time again. Then I had dinner with my friend Martin who told me about those guys, that are also here from Berlin. At first it was strange to listen to the songs that clear and healthy (with way less volume!) It reminded me of when I first got glasses. At first everything was so clear and sharp that you couldn't even handle it. Blobs suddenly become people. But slowly you arrive to a point where you wear your glasses all day long and not just when you need to read something cause you can't be witout them. Listen to "You're gonna lose that girl" by The Beatles for example. Never realized that the song has a taboret. You can hear every instrument individually. I removed Spotify from my "utility" bar now and replaced it with Mimi so I can open it with one click. Now I only use Spotify to update my playlist (which would be nice if I could also do it from there directly even though that probably won't be possible). But a desktop app would be cool so I can use it easier during work.
I remember as a teenager playing with Winamp and discovering the mixer - how adjusting the levels could really improve the sound experience. I'd play with it for hours, never getting it quite right. Eventually the novelty wore off and I haven't used mixers since - really, who has time for that sort of thing? The first time I tried Mimi Music, it felt like that first time I discovered the power of the mixer, but this time someone had done all the mixer work for me, gotten it right, and instantly. The different was huge, but the sound didn't sound over processed or pushed too far - just filled my earphones more fully and naturally. Really love how Mimi can make an average set of headphones sound like a million bucks.
Evgeni Kouris
Go Mimi!
Alex Weidauer
I've been a huge fan of this product for a while now - great team and great tech! Give it a try!
Audrey Richard-Laurent
Delightful product & amazing team! Go Mimi!
Tomek Mazur
Huge enthusiast of mimi. Really meaningful technology that can make a difference. I love the integration with Spotify!
Jesse Muller
Not really impressed. It seems to be a repackaging of existing volume tech and the hearprint totally ruined and turned my music into a distorted/ overdriven mess for some reason.
Dear @jesse__muller, Thank you for your feedback! I am sorry to hear that you had problems with the sound quality after you took your earprint. I am curious what your adjustments were that created this feeling? The round ‘Mimification’ slider (in the middle of the main screen) fades between ‘Original’ and ‘Mimified’-version.You may have faded to 100%, which does sound too extreme to some users. Typically, 100% sounds best for people who like a strong correction or people listening in loud environments. I recommend trying a different fade value such as 50%. Additionally you can also select a ‘mild’ fitting profile in the personalization settings. Play around to find the best setting for you! We constantly improve our fitting algorithm that runs in the cloud, learning from how users choose to hear and based on feedback that we get. The algorithm that processes the sound is based on extensive research and was inspired by the way how a healthy human ear works. We call the included processing ‘Mimification’. It is a process that gives frequency- and amplitude-selective amplification, with a unique way of adding acoustic cues to it, that mimic the function of a healthy human ear. If you need further help and explanation you can reach us at We are happy to help. All the best, Philipp
Jesse Muller
@phiwitz @mimi Thanks for the extensive reply. I will, but getting distorted sound directly after the hearing test wasn't that great of an experience, first impressions count right? Maybe start with Mild as default after the hearing test. Can you tell us a bit more about what it is you're doing in terms of sound processing (a bit more technical maybe even? Types of FX, etc.)
Guido Knook
@jesse__muller @phiwitz That's indeed not a great first experience, and generally should not happen. In addition to working on the UX, we're continuously improving our fitting algorithm. I'd be curious to get a little more info on your experience to know how to make it better in the future. Can I ask what kind of headphones were you using for the test? And what was your environment like? Right now I'm at a convention where people with all different kinds of hearing profiles are trying out our app. The amazing thing is that a setting that sounds very distorted to me, sounds great for somebody who'd otherwise be using hearing aids. Now that doesn't change the first experience for you and that's something we should fix. On the sound processing side, the main thing is that we do is mimic the way the cochlear processes sounds. At the moment the algorithm focusses mostly on lifting up the higher frequencies as well as some lower frequencies to balance that out. We don't add any types of effects, but really try to focus on making it sound more natural, even though your hearing might not be perfect anymore. Thanks again for your considerations!
Michael Boeke
I love seeing talented tech folks tackling hearing issues. As my father is getting fitted for hearing aids, I'm starting to reckon with my own hearing damage (way too much loud music in early years). The app is really well designed. The hearing test is much easier than I expected. However, I'm not sure I'm getting accurate results. I can hear the tones well before I can determine which ear they are in (perhaps a sign of hearing damage itself). SoI wait a bit to hit the button and get a "red" result at every frequency. Perhaps my hearing really is that poor, but I suspect I'm getting overcorrected by Mimi. As a result, the processed audio sounds clearer at lower settings, but when cranked up to the middle-to-maximum range it sounds very bright and thin, and almost compressed. I'm curious to try this in the sound booth in my office. Perhaps with an ultra quiet background, I'll be able to get a more accurate test.
Guido Knook
@mvboeke Hi Micheal, thanks so much for your thoughtful response. That's really interesting feedback. Because we are using a ramping test (the tone gradually gets louder, you tap when you hear it) the chance that it overcompensates when you're initially unable to hear which side the tone is coming from is there. Especially if you’re using for example different headphones or are in a relatively loud environment. Can I ask you which headphones you’re using to do the test? Also would be super curious to hear whether it makes a difference once you did the test in a more quiet environment. Once it’s set up it you’re good to listen after though.
Jagrat Desai
Love it ! As a musician I can really hear the vocals / instruments so much more precisely. Excited to see how this would work with lightening headphones + DACs in the future! Some feedback : + the UX could be more streamlined and guided instead of being so open ended. It would make for better on boarding & navigation + support for Spotify playlists folders
Guido Knook
@jagratdesai Thank you for comment and your feedback! Cool that you like it. We're also pretty excited about where headphone technology is going towards and how we can leverage that. Working on the UX of the app is important to us and you'll see improvements in the future. We want to move to a more guided approach but to a large extent were still testing how the people would respond to the music based on their earprint (the standard profile that we previously had was working well, so this is in that sense an experiment). -> Just today I was doing a user test with an improved fitting algorithm and could see future improvements both on the UX and tech side. Spotify folders is a good point as well, will look into that with the team!
Khairul Akmal
@gknook The app is really great Congrats on the release and it really helps +1👏😎🙌☺ and one more thing, maybe if you can shorten the name to Mimi would be great too! Just giving an idea 😁✌
Guido Knook
@mofodox Thank you so much! Glad you like it. Name is a good point. The thing is that we also have a hearing test and want to differentiate from that. Furthermore in the future we're looking at expanding to other sound (for example environmental sounds, which you can try already in the Mimi Music as well)
Rui Quinta
I couldn't believe when I try it. Mimi is the type of product that can change lives.
Joseph HB Park
One of the most innovative startups in Berlin without a doubt. i've been a huge fan of these guys too. Go Mimi!
Inês Silva
I love the product and team! Super cool! Congrats! :)
angela nibbs
My ears are so thankful for Mimi Music - personalized sound that doesn't damage my hearing!
Bruno Sá
What a great product! Keep on rockin' our ears and our hearts!
Margaret Trainor
First time I tried this I was blown away. Such clearer sound quality - love that it works so seamlessly with Spotify too.
Thanks for the share will try this out.