The 'comprehensive' dataset of every synth's MIDI spec.
Ben Fox

MIDI CC & NRPN database β€” The 'comprehensive' dataset of every synth's MIDI spec.

You can change the sounds your synths make with special MIDI messages! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
The message codes are inconsistent and the docs are hard to find.😭😭😭
Here's an open, "comprehensive" dataset of MIDI CCs and NRPNs, populated by CSV files that anyone can edit.
Ben Fox
Playing with synths is fun, reading manuals for MIDI implementation details is not. While building Condukt, our upcoming MIDI iPad app, we set out to document the MIDI implementation details of all* MIDI devices. The data is stored as human-readable CSV files in a GitHub-hosted git repo, so anyone with a spreadsheet program can get the data for their own use, or contribute. * – most† † – some