@v3ss0n@nivo0o0 If its bundled as part of O365, it will be as good as free because businesses already pay for O365. It increases the value prop for O365 package.
Clearly something Microsoft needed in their Office suite which is trying to maintain it's powerhouse status.
The ability to drill down and view board-by-column, board-by-person, tasks-by-person really quickly makes this useful. Excited to try it out.
I get the MSFT & O365 hate, but some people are restricted by corporate governance policies and are not allowed to use Trello and Asana (tiny violin). I still need a project mgmt tool, or a Trello-like desktop app in my workflow so if this is all ya girl gets, she will take it.
This is obviously not the MS market. So much hate here without trying the product. For those that have tried it: is this a clone or are they innovating yet? With MS' recent acquisitions, it seems like they have the potential to release some really cool stuff to bring Enterprise up to date with the modern individual tools. While I left Enterprise World, I wish them the best of luck with their adoption rates and actual usage rates.
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