Microsoft 365
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Shubham Datta
Microsoft Planner β€” The project management tool for Office
Ryan Hoover
Here's the video overview:
Niv Dror
Asana and Trello must have millions of users, but if Microsoft approaches the implementations correctly they could pretty quickly surpass that.
Niv Dror
@v3ss0n businesses are used to paying Microsoft lots of money
Phyo Arkar Lwin
@nivo0o0 but i still think they should make it free if they want to compete trello. and may be installable version of enterprise.
Aashish Patil
@v3ss0n @nivo0o0 If its bundled as part of O365, it will be as good as free because businesses already pay for O365. It increases the value prop for O365 package.
Phyo Arkar Lwin
@aashishpatil @nivo0o0 I c with all those O365 account hacks , leaks , and exploits , they still pay for it.
Daylen Sawchuk
@v3ss0n @aashishpatil @nivo0o0 When has Office 365 ever been hacked?
Jeremy Gollehon
Clearly something Microsoft needed in their Office suite which is trying to maintain it's powerhouse status. The ability to drill down and view board-by-column, board-by-person, tasks-by-person really quickly makes this useful. Excited to try it out.
Shubham Datta
Doesn't seem to have anything that Asana/Trello doesn't have. Anyone tried this out yet?
Tori Bunte
I get the MSFT & O365 hate, but some people are restricted by corporate governance policies and are not allowed to use Trello and Asana (tiny violin). I still need a project mgmt tool, or a Trello-like desktop app in my workflow so if this is all ya girl gets, she will take it.
tz πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ
Seriously prefer Troop over this.
Fraser Smith
This looks interesting, however, knowing the length of Microsoft roll-outs, it'll be a few months before I get to play with it.
Dean Brady
@frassmith The odd thing is that I found mentions of this from months ago.. not sure why it was not announced more earlier..
Athar Majeed
Looks interesting and will check out. Hope they test it properly πŸ˜„
Swaathi Kakarla
Struggling to figure out why the $5/Mo/User has more features than the $8.25/Mo/User? Am I missing something?
Daylen Sawchuk
@imswaathik The $5/month plan doesn't include full Office on PC/Mac with apps for tablets and phones, only Office Online.
Dan Moore
This is obviously not the MS market. So much hate here without trying the product. For those that have tried it: is this a clone or are they innovating yet? With MS' recent acquisitions, it seems like they have the potential to release some really cool stuff to bring Enterprise up to date with the modern individual tools. While I left Enterprise World, I wish them the best of luck with their adoption rates and actual usage rates.
does it have a mobile app for my Zune
Alessio Delmonti
Internal server error
Jason Sooter
I received an ugly popup survey immediately on the landing page. That is so Microsoft...
Jeremy Gollehon
@jasonsooter That's so... almost every single website I visit these days. :-)
Jason Sooter
@gollyjer fair enough. Ha Ha ;-) I went to the site to confirm. No popup that looks like it was designed on a Windows XP machine.
Kyle McDonald
Looks like a "clunkier" version of Trello.
Chintamani Chintadripettai
@hustlinhack The product name already implies clunky - "Microsoft" Planner
Malone Hedges
@hustlinhack made by Microsoft! I think these tools are meant to appeal to people who aren't comfortable going outside of their known tech brands.
Andrew Gale
@hustlinhack I think it looks way cleaner and more useful than Trello!
Kyle McDonald
@andrewgale have to use office 365 to use it though. No thanks.
Parth Trivedi
@hustlinhack speaking of clunky, Ninjality could use a better font for the front cover.
Tom Frauenfelder
I think this is a great move buy Microsoft... and surprisingly from the video overview don't hate it.
Mario Uher
With one click you can fire Bonnie!
Jordi Romero
They should have bought Trello instead of cloning it.
Jordi Romero
@davidcreates maybe, but MS could have let Trello stay freemium and get an awesome product (similar to what they did with Wunderlist etc)
Cory York
I Like it
preetam choudhary
it would be great to see future fight between Trello, google data studio and Microsoft planner.
Phyo Arkar Lwin
People use trello because it is fun. Design is very easy to use and atmosphere is `fun` .
Phyo Arkar Lwin
@weiluenhuang fun in my case means easy , intuitive to use . Current planner version is lacking that.