MethodKit for Product Development is a tool to make meetings about the product more effective and overviewable. This is our 24th kit that we made over the last 4 years.
The cards can be used in a range of different situations. Prioritize tasks, define the scope, map products, sort out what is important and discuss with support from the cards. Use them to create grids, follow-up meetings, walls, mind maps, grids with overview of the product, evaluations, client meetings, structure in meetings and for brain dumps.
More about the thoughts behind the tool:
More about how to use it:
Thanks @gregoiregilbert!
This is our 24th kit that we made over the last 4 years. The process is a combination of boiling down research (books, articles, process descriptions, canvases and checklists) along with talking to professionals about how they do things. Some elements need to have more resolution because they are more important. Some parts and elements of the product design needs to be less detailed. It's basically about figuring out and overlaying different peoples view on it to create an as objective overview as possible. (What it is to summarize a discipline) (The process behind making the kit)
Looks really great! Congratulations. What is your approach on marketing in this kit? Is it only focused on product developpment, or does it include insights for lets say a crowd funding campaign or a facebook ads campaign?
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