
Investor Database from Mercury - Find top seed investors and get the info you need to raise


Use Mercury’s Investor Database to find the most active seed and pre-seed investors, filterable by industry, type, and check size.

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I have been doing startups since 2006 and have always struggled with finding the right investors for my companies. We wanted to answer these questions: * Who is actively investing? * What are they investing in? * How to get in touch with them? Turns out that there is no good source of investor info on the Internet right now. it took us months to collect all the correct information and figure out exactly how to display it. We plan to keep this up to date and have already had 50+ new investors ask to be entered so we will expand this over time. Excited to share this with the PH community.
Dani Moalem
Hi Product Hunt 👋 I’m Dani and I’m a Visual Designer at Mercury. @andrei_korytsev and I worked together to design the database and give founders a place to find the right investors to connect with. We wanted the tool to highlight investor information at the forefront by utilizing tags and filtering that could sort the list by industry, geography and check size. We used Mercury brand colors and typography styles to create a harmonious, balanced experience with the rest of our site. We hope you like it! Learn more about the Mercury Design Team at P.S.: we’re hiring!
Mario Randholm
Hello @andrei_korytsev and @dani_moalem. Thanks for working and sharing the DB. I was talking to my partner about it last night and having those contact details is extraordinary and that they come from within the community is even better. On the other hand, I was brainstorming for a while on how to approach those potential investors. I am still thinking ... Thanks @immad for managing Mercury!
Jonathan Lorimer
Very cool
Callie Presniak
The Investor DB is beautifully designed and super functional for founders building their investor pipeline. New investors keep being added to it to make sure there's nothing but increasingly useful info to access. As a details person, my fave detail is the check size range fields automatically truncating zeros to a clean single letter, e.g. $500,000 to $500K.
Meghna Rao
So many teams—special projects, engineering, design, content, and more—worked to build the Investor DB. It's super functional and easy to use. Help us keep making it stronger. Send it to your friends, share your feedback with us, and if you're an investor and want to be listed, submit here:
Adiraj Gupta
This is awesome @immad ! As mercury customers can we be on the beta to try this out ;)
Eve Halimi
Georges Duplessy
As someone currently raising funds for our own product, this is absolutely awesome and a God-send!
Looks helpfull but where is the data is collected from?
John Kinsella
Cool - 2 thoughts: * Surprised security isn't a listed industry. * It might require ongoing work, but a suggestion/request feature would let you see what the community's looking for
Aryan Khan
Easy to use and a very nice UX to make our lives better.
Yury Lifshits
Congrats on launch, this is super useful!
Aram Ghazaryan
Good job. Thanks!
Nick Nedelchuk
Looks great. There are a lot of startups-investors matching platform, but I think you guys have more chances to succeed considering the progress that you've made with Mercury. Your happy customer.
I found it helpful, and it is just going to get better every single day.
Paul Hart
Mercury customer and in need of an investor database… cheers! 🔥
Rodney Davis
Great post I’m always looking fir investors and this platform is perfect
Mario Peters
This is awesome!
Sunday Paul Adah
This is pretty useful stuff. Thank you.
Kiran Kanakadandi (
?makers -- thank you for this! Good looking on top of being useful. One other thing I'd find useful, living in India, is a geography filter. I know the data is there and shown in the detail view, but a filter in the list view will be perfect.