Simple online scheduling tool for group meetings
Jack Smith — Simple online scheduling tool for group meetings


Meeting planner provides the simplest way to plan 1:1 and group meetings, making it easy to suggest times and places, gather feedback and finalize the schedule. It's works across popular calendar services and is translated into 21 languages.

Jeff Reifman
You can read about the ongoing development of Meeting Planner in the Envato Tuts+ tutorial series, Building Your Startup
Jeff Reifman
Debunking the myth of the one man startup - open source software plays a key enabling role
Jeff Reifman
Meeting Planner now supports 21 languages! Everything from Arabic to Spanish to Swedish to Hindi. Click the Flag language switcher at
Jeff Reifman
We've added a scheduling wizard which makes it simple for everyone to choose people, times and places for 1:1 or group meetings. All the screenshots up above have been replaced with the new wizard. Try it out at
Jeff Reifman
You can see a screencast demo of our new wizard here: ... of course it's live so you can check it out at
Cem Carak
Is this integrated with any software or platform?
Jeff Reifman
@cemedericarak Hi Cem, no API yet ... but FB/Goog/LI sign up & ICS ical output for events. Built on Yii2 Framework PHP Bootstrap. What would you like to see? btw - looks like you offer a vertical competitor :)
Cem Carak
@reifman Thanks Jeff. We do but we are more trying to be a social app for group decision making. I was just curious if you guys were integrated with any B2B software. Thanks for your answer though and good luck!
Jeff Reifman
@cemedericarak Thanks Cem. Good luck to you too!
Jeff Reifman
How to Plan a Group Meeting with Meeting Planner or Simple Planner: