Hello Hunters,
Kim here, co-founder of Marqly.
Marqly is an easy and simple-to-use web browser extension and app to manage your bookmarks and highlighted texts like a pro. Marqly lets you save, customize and manage all your bookmarks online like a breeze. Everywhere, anywhere.
🚀 Super excited to share our new major update with you, we are officially launching Marqly 2.0 Beta.
We have been working hard in the last couple of months to enhance the design and overall user experience, including search functionality, web previews, and the way you manage and view your bookmarks.
What's included in this new major version?
🖼 Dark mode and other themes.
📱Android mobile app, better web mobile experience
💾 Draggable boards
⌨️ Better navigation and accessibility, navigate bookmarks using keypad arrows
⭐️ New Articles board
🔍 Faster instant search
🧮 Customize filtering, new condensed and headlines view
💡 Customize bookmark card cover size and data
🖱 Draggable & movable bookmarks, drag bookmarks into other boards to move them
🤟 And much more...
📪 Your feedback is invaluable, and I cannot wait to hear your feedback, as I know it will help us make Marqly even better!
Peace & Love
Is there an option to save or snooze a complete session with all the open tabs for later access? If not, do you have plans to implement this feature in the future?
Do you have any plans to add the ability to save a screenshot of the webpage along with a bookmark?
@mrdense Regards the sessions, we might consider this.
For the saving of a screenshot, wondering why would you need that. To save the original bookmark page?