Chris Messina

Glyphs Company - A platform for beautiful icons.

Top Hunter

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Nice competitor to The Noun Project. Different business model, but nice to see a well-designed competitor.
Kevin Jackson
@chrismessina seems like a much more open alternative to Iconic, with the variety of Noun Project. Iconic seems to focus solely on the one icon set, where Glyphs Co. is providing lots of scalable, customizable icon sets. Great work, @masonhipp.
Mason Hipp
@chuise @chrismessina Thanks Chris & Kevin, we're definitely trying to provide some variety out there. Even past icons, we'd like to grow to be a platform for all types of SVG graphics. The possibilities of SVG are enormous but it's just too complicated for most people: our goal is to provide an easier alternative. With lots of style choices.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@chuise yeah, you're right. Iconic is a better comparison!
Chris Scott
Just tried to register for the beta (looks amazing!) and got this - Internal Server Error Segment::track() requires userId or anonymousId
Mason Hipp
@chrisgscott thanks for the heads up, looking into this now. Any more details on which page/circumstances under which this happened?
Mason Hipp
@chrisgscott ah sounds like something in the PH app didn't like our javascript. Any ad blockers running? Trying to replicate now, I'll let you know when I figure it out. In the meantime it should work in mobile safari or on desktop. My apologies for the trouble!
Mason Hipp
@chrisgscott Added you to the beta, you should get the invite email within the hour.
Lewis Bertolucci
@chrisgscott @masonhipp - I can confirm the same issue/error on my end as well using Chrome. I'll try via Safari as well. I am using AdBlock.
Mason Hipp
@lewis502 @chrisgscott it looks like it's AdBlock related. We use to track and handle a lot of our data and that's getting blocked and breaking things. Trying to build something now to make it fail more gracefully, until that's working you might have to whitelist us to get through the signup. Thanks for all of the help with this, much appreciated.
Absolutely beautiful icons, and nice concept. Another 👍 @masonhipp
Mason Hipp
Thanks for the submission guys! Let me know if anyone has questions or wants early-access to try things out. Happy to help the PH community.
Mike Meulstee
This is beautiful! I am in love with the concept and where this is going. I can't wait to use this on a dev project, just to see how it works in practice.
I get an internal service error after beta signup through chrome on mac after adding name and password.
Mason Hipp
@jinalzz @joost and others. My apologies again for the bug, we finally tracked it down and fixed everything. Shouldn't have any further login issues.
Nicholas Spinazze
This is going to save me so much time when I have to make presentations! Great product!
Gerd Castan

Without any icons on the website I can't say very much.


Must have contained good icons 3 years ago


The website doesn't display any icons, only empty placeholders. Is this site abandoned?