From Silicon Valley we interview rockstar entrepreneurs who share their exact formulas for success in customer acquisition, growth hacking, fundraising, or scaling a company.
Hello community!! I’m Juan Campos, host of the Manos Accelerator podcast.
Manos is the Google Launchpad accelerator focused on Latino founders.
We’re tired of seeing a scarcity mindset among institutions in our space when it comes to sharing information and resources. Many incubators, accelerators, and even VC’s have NO interest in empowering any startup that is not in their portfolio.
Ironically, we believe that this harms entrepreneurs, the budding startup ecosystems, and ultimately the very organizations that give this cycle momentum.
Upcoming startup community leaders should be sharing resources freely, not hoarding them for an elite few.
We want to do things differently.
Over the last few years, Manos has helped exit a startup and fund more than a dozen porfolio companies.
We truly believe the key to this success has been our abundance mindset.
Today we are happy to announce our podcast– where we partner with top performers who believe this vision and share tactical and practical formulas for success in:
customer acquisition
growth hacking
fund raising
or scaling a company.
We don’t put ourselves in gatekeeper positions to keep others from succeeding and we DON'T have goals to stay exclusive.
In fact, our motivation is the exact opposite.
If you ask other institutions, they’ll tell you that giving resources at scale is crazy...
We don't care.
We’re doing it every single day.
It’s happening through the abundance movement we call Manos.
Thank you for your support.
If you don't have these startup resources, just let me know and I'll get them to you:
1. +4,800 Tech and Startup Journalists Contact Info
2. +79 Headline Formulas to Increase Your Clicks and Conversions
3. +60 Free Resources to Help You Build Your Startup
4. +2,190 Guest Blogging Opportunities
5. List of accelerators you can apply your startup to
6. The ProForma that Raised $4.5MM
7. Notes from 1 year in Silicon Valley
8. Much much more...
To growth! 🚀
Not a bad idea, but I think you are projecting. Most of this information is freely available just be looking at YCombinator. However, I do agree that Latinos and other People of Color may not know where to find them.
Love Manos Accelerator and what they are achieving. I was brief mentor before I moved out of state. There impact on the entrepreneurial community is absolutely amazing!
Amazing! I was part of Manos second batch and it changed my life. Entrepreneurs from outside the U.S have a different view of the world. Being able to live and learn from other entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley open your eyes to new opportunities. Keep sharing & keep growing!
Hello Juan Felipe, this is an awesome program and we share your values totally. We also recently started a program to give power to the startup community to gain more visibility as well to make online pitching and applying to opportunities much easier than before.
How often do young companies have you provided their details in a week? In a month? Last year?
They are wasting their most valuable asset – THEIR TIME - filling out mundane forms.
DealMatrix is the global platform for startup applications to investors, corporates, grant programs, events, accelerators and many more. Instead of having to start from scratch for every form, simply load your profile and answers you’ve previously given such as the company basics but even more advanced answers like product descriptions and team members. It’s not uncommon to have 90% or more of the form already filled out! Just answer few remaining questions and your application is ready to submit.
But wait, there’s more! As a founder you need to stay on top of all available opportunities but also know which ones are a good fit. DealMatrix knows your company profile and we know what our clients are looking for. We will actively send you new opportunities when we identify a good fit. Get them in your inbox instead of you searching for them and save even more time.
And best of all, for startups our services are completely FREE
Check out our current program Soon we will have 100+ international partners on board and we have more than 200 preregistrations of people who want to see the top 100. Apply now! The application is open until 22nd of April and qualify for the finals to win the golden ticket to major conferences around the world or a 2 month fully covered stay in Vienna where you get connected to the CEE venture eco-system.
We are happy to hear from you and will try to setup a cooperation btw. the Manos Accelerator and DealMatrix to share even more benefits.
VR/AR Pioneers Podcast
Nena's Dynamite Industry Report
Commerce AI
Manos Podcast provides tools, actionable advice and strategies from experts. Short, to the point and tactical.
Pros:Resources sourced from the best minds in their industry and disseminated to everyone. Priceless information.
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