Paresh Khatri

Managly - Plan, track & collaborate with your team

As as designer its always been hard for me to manage my task, hours and getting feedback. It would always get missed between those long email and you never know how many hours you have spent and your team have worked on. With Managly we tried to achieve all this points and make project managers, freelancers life easy. This is beta so show some love

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@paresh_khatri what makes this different from Trello and other Kanban products out there? Also, what features are you planning on adding to this soon?
Paresh Khatri
@amrith Hey Amrith.. Let me put it this way.. I am a big time Trello fan and I have been using it for such a long time. The reason I made Managly is limitation of this products and not completing the chain of Starting your project to dividing in to milestone to sending invoice to client.. For all my such needs I have to use multiple apps. For example I have been using Trello as my go to go project management tool, For design feedback I use Invision/Marvel, for invoicing I use freshbook or some other, for tracking ours something else and so on.. And thats what create a lot of hustle and being a designer I always find it waste of my time juggling between this apps. So for the same reason I have made Managly. Currently there 1. Project Management 2. File Management 3. Team Management 4. Time Tracking 5. Invoicing 6. Reporting And we working on 1. Chat 2. Gantt Chart 3. Calendar (Where you can manage all your calendars from different apps) 4. Apps Please let me know if you have any more questions. I will be happy to answer them. Thanks Paresh
Rg Enzon
What a beauty, love the homepage!
Paresh Khatri
@rgenzon Thanks a lot
Anselm Hannemann
If this product is all free, what’s the plan for making the product sustainable? Unfortunately, the website isn’t telling me anything about it and the lack of a privacy policy or terms of service (on homepage and signup page) makes me hesitant to try this out. From what I can see on the screenshots it looks like an interesting product though with a lot of potential.
Paresh Khatri
@helloanselm Thank you so much for stoping by and adding the valuable feedback. We are already working on our content part and will be updating that in day or two.. When we talk about being free.. Its free for one user and one project.. If you want to expand your team and add them to the system or add more project you need to upgrade. Let me know if that make sense?
Anselm Hannemann
@paresh_khatri Thank you that helps a lot and I think the content update will clarify this as well. I appreciate your quick answer :)
Paresh Khatri
@helloanselm You always welcome.. Do add your feedback and your experience with Managly meanwhile we will update the content for you :)
Michael Folling
this looks awesome! Btw, you have a bunch of placeholder content in your FAQ section.
Michael Folling
I could definitely see myself using this instead of Trello but I would need some integrations like Slack and helpscout or zapier.
Paresh Khatri
@michaelfolling Thanks for the comment. We are already working on chat which will not less than Slack :).. And also working on app integrations.
Dionis Loire
Congratulations on your launch! I gave it a try, here are some suggestions— - Scrolling horizontally is not easy without a magic mouse. I only have a scroll wheel, so using the browser's horizontal scrollbar can get tedious. - I think you should drop the animation when adding a card (the initial expand animation), it feels really buggy but also adds friction. - Please check your console log, you're revealing private information about your company e.g., userID count which I assume is an increment. - Crash: Click on the first project (in the left column navigation) and then click on "All" for Quick Filter, I'm forced to reload the page. - Disable ability to add due dates (or labels) until after the card is created. Although you retain the information after the card is created, the logic should be: "What is the task? When is it due?" As opposed to "When is what do?" - After I completed my e-mail verification, I wish you'd just log me in right away instead of forcing me to login after the sign up. I think the e-mail verification is a little too strong for a new product, it's a good idea but your entry-barrier is not very friendly. I'm a product developer by the way, feel free to reach out if you need additional feedback. Good luck guys!
Shekhar K. Sharma
Any particular way to delete an account? Me and my friend both created the profile and would be using only one.
Paresh Khatri
@shekhardesigner Nope there is no way currently..
Steven Hambleton
Hi there, How does this handle client accounts and individual projects for each client? How does it look for clients you've assigned tasks for but are not invested in learning the UI? Can I get an overview of all projects and tasks?
Paresh Khatri
@stinhambo Hey Steven thank you so much for your comment. So we have added permissions for the teams it can be client, teammate or admin.. You can also just share a design file with them or just add to the particular tasks and thats the only thing that they can see. Regarding all projects overview.. We are currently working on it and trying to make a dashboard which give you a good glimps and data points right there so you dont even need to go to the projects but might take couple of months. Please let me know if you have any more questions I will be more than happy to help you. Incase you want to book a 1 hour demo where our technical team will help you get through the entire product and you can ask the questions right there and then.
Anthony Delgado
Dope concept. Multi User not ready for prime time. Need to work out the bugs and add more advanced permissions.
Shekhar K. Sharma
@paresh_khatri Is this site hacked or business clsed? Website redicts me to adult contents.