There are millions of books and most of them are not worth your time. MakerReads is a humble attempt to solve this problem by providing the data you need to pick a book that takes you to the next level.
Hi PH 👋
This is my first launch and it's an attempt to solve a problem I have myself.
The backstory is that I recently decided to pursue a "Bootstrap MBA". My plan is to read books, write about my learnings and, most importantly, learn by launching. (You can read a bit more about the project here).
A problem I immediately faced is that there are far too many books to choose from. So, how can I find those that are worth my time?
There are, of course, already many attempts to solve this problem. There's Goodreads, there are book recommendation listicles, and there are sites that list recommendations by famous people. However, I didn't find any of these solutions particularly useful and hence decided to try something different instead. I tried to find out which books are recommended regularly by the ProductHunt, IndieHacker, and HackerNews communities. Once I'd gathered this data, I labelled it and decided to collect further data that could be useful. For example, I tried to find out how popular these books are on mainstream sites like Amazon and Goodreads, how expensive and long they are, and whether or not an audiobook version exists. This is how Maker Reads came to be.
I'd love to hear what you think and feel free to add any book you think is currently missing from the database!
PS: A little backstory from the technical side: I spent the first month of my Bootstrap MBA experiment learning Rails and originally started this project to put my "Rails skills" to use. I started building the site starting with the frontend and first of all, tried to figure out how to filter a list dynamically using Javascript. I quickly stumbled upon Vue.js and eventually discovered that I had a fully functional site without any Rails code. So, in some sense, I accidentally build a SPA app.
Love the book list you collecting in putting it together.
As for myself i'm reading some books currently.
I agree there million of books, i rarely read books.
Maker reads picks the best book by providing the data.
Nice work on data aggregation from Amazon, Twitter and GoodReads!
Love this work.
Congratulations for your launch! Being able to add books to the Database by ourselves is a great idea! I think your product is really valuable for entrepreneurs, there are a lot of books that I didn't even know, thanks for the discovery :)
I really like the list you put together. I've read quite a few, other are stuck on my "to read" list on Goodreads, but as you well said, Goodreads or Amazon isn't enough to be sure that a book is worth your time. Thank you for this!
Nice collections of books in here...And clear website design.
One suggestion: you can add a light mode as default and use a button to toggle to dark mode.
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