Maillist is a bookmarking webapp and Chrome extension that allows you to save articles for later AND also sends you a weekly email with randomly selected unread articles from your list.
@alirtariq could you take care of it? It's quite important for me since the product is very young and misspelling, in terms of SEO hurts a bit :) Thanks in advance!
@morcek_m understood! It's changed on the product, but the URL may need to be changed from the backend... I'll see if I can make it happen! Hang tight!
@morcek_m looks like you're good on the URL side too! Hope I didn't jump the gun too much on you. If there are any additional assets you'd like added, let me know!
I know there are a lot of bookmarking tools from the native browser bookmarker to fully formed standalone ones like Pocket and Evernote. But Maillist adds a clever--and really important--piece that's missing in all the other ones: a follow-up mechanism that closes the loop. In this case, it generates a weekly email that takes 5 random unread articles from your list and reminds you to get to them. Once you do, you cross off the link from your list.
I think this is brilliant (and yes, perhaps easily implementable by competitors). In effect, this one feature makes this a temporary bookmarking tool whose purpose is to help you get through articles that matter to you and declutter at the same time.
Oh, and it's completely free. Check it out!
I love the idea of follow-up mechanism. :) but I do have some feature requests: Share my links to others as a form of weekly newsletters? Invite friends to my bookmark collection?