
MailButler - Email productivity brought to the next level


MailButler is just the Apple Mail extension you need in your daily life! With it, you can have delivery and read reports of your emails, set emails to notes, set a special time and date an email should be sent, undo sending or just make an email disappear for a certain period of time from your mailbox.

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Finally, Apple Mail's getting some love. Bravo!
Aviram Ben Moshe
Looking great, finally a good extension to Apple Mail. However, I didn't understand the pricing model - would love to have a one-time payment for the software, rather than a subscription.
Aviram Ben Moshe
Also I tried to add a cloud service like Dropbox or Evernote via the Services tab, and nothing happens.
Fabian Jäger
@avirambm When linking Dropbox to MailButler, are you redirected to Dropbox' website?
Fabian Jäger
@avirambm That's really weird. Could you please send an email to – we would like to fix this issue for you
Fabian Jäger
MailButler brings the future of email to all Apple Mail users. It’s the ultimate productivity suite that connects email with services of the 21st century, such as Dropbox, Evernote and more. Moreover, it brings indispensable features to Apple's Mail application - Email Scheduling: Write emails now, send them later - Cloud Upload: Upload email attachments to the cloud to keep your messages feather-light - Undo Send: Allows to retract messages after having pressed "Send" - Emails to Notes: Easily create notes (e.g. in Evernote) from your emails - Attachment Reminder: Never forget to attach files to your emails again - Beautiful Signatures: Appear more professional by using a beautiful email signature We’d love to hear from you what you think and answer any questions! Thank you :)
Craig Paterson
@dotguru would be nice if there was a way to give a discount, or more monthly actions to those who have purchased some of your old plugins 😉
Fabian Jäger
@craigcpaterson Such an upgrade option for our loyal plugin users will be announced very soon! :-)
Hunter Gray
@dotguru Can't use it without a "read later" box or "snooze" button. Sorry -- email is far too advanced these days to have this feature missing from a product launching in 2016.
Fabian Jäger
@huntergray Who says that we stop here? We have a long list of features that we want to bring to MailButler throughout the coming months. "Snoozing" is definitely on this list! :-)
Hunter Gray
@dotguru exciting to hear that! I think you could do some solid marketing with the "snooze" feature given the world is in despair (half kidding) with Mailbox gone.
David Carpe
why is everything a subscription? in this case, it just doesn't make sense to pay this much annually for a plugin. the indev team has been selling awesome mail app software for years by selling once and then selling major upgrades. that makes more sense imho.
@passingnotes I agree. I think this would be much better as a one time purchase with paid major version upgrades. But subscriptions are all the rage now.
Email Scheduling is a killer feature! But I have my hesitations about the pricing model. I'm afraid that many, like me, will limit the service to the 20 free rides each month. A fixed price would solve this. Or a 'friendlier' extra price plan, like 100 monthly actions for 100 cents. Free is now to limited. Paid is now, for the average user, too expensive.
I definitely can use a PA for my Apple mail app. Mailbutler looks great and is full of nice add-on features. Not entirely sure about the pricing model though. € 5.95 / MO for a non-limited account is rather steep imho.
Harry Stebbings
I swear I had a dream that someone created this. I always email and then as I go down the ones I email come back with responses and I never get anywhere. This schedule later is legendary! Thank you @dotguru @polinarudneva
This seems to be a problem with a lot of apps lately, but it bears mentioning: you can't copy and paste a password into the password field when trying to add a third-party account (such as Evernote). For those of us who use complex (read: secure) passwords, this is a hindrance.
Fabian Jäger
@benbelser You can use right-click context menu and then paste your password.
Kyle Gillen
Looks awesome. I'd buy into it, but not as a subscription model. If they implement a reasonable one-off payment - I'm a customer.
Matija Abicic
Free model is just a hook. The real deal is way too expensive. That's pretty much the monthly price of Hulu subscription !! If 6 euro was a one-time license fee, that would seem fair. Pass.
Fabian Jäger
@matijaabicic With MailButler you gain time, with Hulu you lose time :-)
Also, MailButler doesn't appear to respect the default notebook set in Evernote. Instead, it looks like whenever I save an email as a "quick note" using the Evernote integration, it saves it in the first notebook alphabetically. Not ideal.
Fabian Jäger
@benbelser We will look into this issue and release a fix ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting this!
Fabian Jäger
@benbelser If you are talking about "Quick Notes" in MailButler: You can specify the default notebook for "Quick Notes" in MailButler's preferences.
@dotguru Why didn't you guys add a feature to add tags to emails?
Fabian Jäger
@cprins_ Who says that we stop here? :)
Anthony Silver
Hey guys. Love the look of this and installed but all I'm getting upon Mail launch is a beachball. I have MailTags installed already, so do you have a known conflict with this? Thanks
Fabian Jäger
@anthonyjsilver Thanks for reporting this issue. We will look into this now!
Anthony Silver
@dotguru Hey guys. Any update? Just tried again and still same issue :(
This package is good, thank you! A few more actions on the 'free plan' would be nice, because even if I only use email signature, every mail I send is counted as 1 action.
Maddie Bleistern
I've been needing this for a while, because I enjoy the UI of Apple Mail. Way to go.
Orcun Akca
Hey guys! Great job on putting some meaningful thoughts on a native app, but the subs pricing model doesnt makes sense for a plugin. 20-30 bucks initial then version upgrades for 5-10 is reasonable. keeping the free version for now.