Magento 2 Coupon Code Link - Coupon Code Automation Tool
Magento 2 Coupon Code Link extension will help you to achieve this through coupon automation. Customers no longer have to copy and apply coupon codes manually. This extension applies the coupon in one click which boost customers shopping experience.
Better Magento 2 Checkout Extension - Make Magento Checkout Page Attractive and Easy to Navigate
Better Magento 2 Checkout extension will help you customize Magento checkout, removes header and footer, adds multiple payment methods images and order commend. This extension allows you to streamline the checkout process and make it attractive.
Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension - Facebook Pixel Integration Extension
Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension allows you to integrate Facebook pixel into your Magento 2 website pages without effort. Besides, Magento 2 Facebook Pixel Extension allows you to integrate your store catalog and categories into Facebook in one click.
Magento 2 Automatic Related Products - Boost your sales and provide better shopping experience
With the Auto Related Products Extension, you can configure the rules and display related, cross-sell and up-sell items based on conditions. It provides a more targeted experience for your customers and boost your sales due to better product relations.
Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension - Improve website visibility in search results
Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension helps you to set up product structured data on your store with no technical knowledge, from the admin panel. You can define price, reviews, rating, availability, organization, and search box rich snippets to be displayed in search.
Magento 2 SEO Extension - Improve SEO-related features of your store in a few clicks
Magento 2 SEO Extension helps you to improve store ranking, positions in SERP, traffic and revenue by setting product and category metadata masks, applying keywords, setting up canonical tags, creating automatic redirects and more. It helps you to rank better!
Magento 2 Blog Extension Extra - Premium version of Magento 2 Blog Extension
Magento 2 Blog extension has the extended version with such options as:
-Auto-Related Products and Posts
-Related Products Rule
-Advanced Permalink Settings
-Auto-Publish Posts To Facebook
-Blog Post Newsletter Subscription
-and many more.
Magento 2 Translation Extension - FREE Magento 2 Tlanslation Tool
Looking for a solution to translate content on your Magento 2 store directly from the admin? With the Translation tool you just need to set the word, its equivalent and assign it to the store view.
Satisfy your customers with a quality content!