Get the incredibly detailed and most accurate macOS UI Kit for Sketch. The library is loaded with hundreds of components, colors, and text styles. Arguably the fastest way to get started with your Mac app designs.
Hi everyone! 👋
A lot of work went into this library the last months. I’m happy to finally share it with the rest of the designer community now.
I hope you enjoy it and can use it for your own awesome Mac app designs! – Alex
@alexkaessner That's great, Alex — congrats to the launch! The Download button on the website and the overall design just shows your incredible attention to detail 👍
@chrismessina Apple’s design resources just don’t have the quality and level of detail I was looking for. Their library doesn’t use the full potential of Sketch’s symbol overrides, color variables and so on. Not to mention that Apple hasn’t even updated their kit for macOS 11. So that was reason enough to update my own UI Kit. 😉
@piotr_zgierski The download includes a readme file with a short installation guide. Just add the library file in Sketch’s settings:
It’s important to link the library first, before using the „Preview.sketch“ file. Otherwise the links to the Sketch Library will be broken.
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