Steven Rueter

Spdr - Speed Reading


Read faster.

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Haroon Bakhsh
Hey, would love a web version of this.
Arsen Losenko
@haroonbakhsh agree, web version also will be very convenient
Max @rueter plez don't sue me πŸ˜…I just really loved your idea, but I mostly read on my computer
What is the reading retention using this system?
Did Apple use this to make their video @reuter? πŸ€” I wonder what's the science behind this being an effective way to read.
Zach Swetz
@reuter @amrith They dive into the science of it here: looks like a good UI for it, but would like for it to be easier to upload a book...
Lama Al Rajih
There's a seizure concern with products and videos that flash content quickly and rapidly. How are you guys addressing that? Is there a seizure warning anywhere?
Lama Al Rajih
@rueter me too 😊 I don't have an iPhone, so I can't download Spdr currently, but does the seizure warning appear when the app itself is opened the first time? And is there a feature that allows a user to go back and reread a certain portion? I know that often when I'm trying to read quickly, I might get distracted and otherwise be reading the same line over and over again, or find myself two paragraphs later with no recollection of what I just read.
Lama Al Rajih
@rueter is there a future outlook for a feature that imports the content rather than having to copy/paste?
Ravi Srinivasan
Reading speed πŸ‘πŸ½; comprehension and retention πŸ‘ŽπŸ½. A solution looking for a problem.
Ryan Hashemi
Pretty cool concept. I would love to see this fleshed out more. Obviously, having to copy and paste text into the app isn't ideal. I could see this being used to read articles on Mobile or one Web. For a very simple use-case and experiment, seems odd that you guys went all out on ads. Do I really need to interact with an ad between every reading?
Eli Mattson
Ugh those full screen ads after you're done reading are a total buzz kill :(
Peter Fox
As someone who's dyslexic I've found this reading technique super helpful in the past but the things I've really needed with it is 1) ability to use it on books, ideally in a epub/mobi format and some kind of eye tracking feature. E.g. If I'm reading something like this and I'm distracted or look away I want the text to stop. I get there is a hold down feature but it's difficult when your reaction time is quite slow. That or have a really awesome rewind feature that finds the best point to restart from.
Nazim Amin
A friend of mine worked on the exact same idea 3 years ago on weekend hackathon at McGill.
Jonathan Azoff
Reminds me of Squirt,
Robert Magrino
Any chance you could add pasting a url into the interface. It’s a bit clunky copying blocks of text and pasting it.also adding a play/pause button would help.
Outstanding app! Now I read 5 min medium articles in 120 seconds or so πŸ€“
Jantje Poepoog
Good app. But there should be an option for dynamic speed reading like most other apps offer. Like a little longer pause at punctuations. Longer words show a little longer, shorter words are shown very quickly to keep the total words pm high.
Danny Sapio
It's basically but less useful because you have to copy and paste text.
This concept would be awesome on a ePub reader or similar :)
Robert Magrino
Pasting a link not working.
Johnathan Vadasz
Myself or anyone in my family with this app cannot get books to be used with this app. The app hangs and needs to be restarted. Any solution???
Ben McMillan
If I’m reading ePubs is there a way to save?