Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Ludus Beta - A limitless presentation tool for designers.

Ludus is a new presentation tool for creative people, see it as PowerPoint for the 21st century.

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Vincent Battaglia
Thanks @bramk for hunting Ludus! It feels great to be here! My name is Vincent Battaglia and I’m a Co-Founder and CTO at Ludus. We are happy to finally show the world what we’ve been working on during the past few months. Right now, you’re probably wondering why the world needs another presentation tool so we wrote an article to explain why it makes sense to us: (tl;dr: sharing and compatibility are not great with desktop apps like PowerPoint or Keynote, web-based apps like Google Slides lack critical features that are very important for designers and don’t allow to easily integrate third-party web contents). We are currently in private beta but we’ll send invites pretty quickly (within 48 hours max). Let us know if you have any questions.
Vincent Battaglia
@asatwork You will!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@vinch it's funny that you explained why you called it Ludus but didn't mention the connection to Ready Player One! (If you don't know the connection, you must go read the book!)
Vincent Battaglia
@chrismessina Originally, that's the reason why we called it Ludus! RPO is one of my favorite books! Can't wait to see what Steven Spielberg will do with it!
Alex H
@vinch @bramk @vinchbat Yah, I got a question....Can I get me one of those private beta invites? Thanks! :D
Vincent Battaglia
@metalhaze Of course, we'll send them very quickly!
Alex H
DAAAAYUUUUUUMMMMMM......This is the most impressive software I have seen in 2017! I can't wait to get my hands on this! GIMMIE!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Great job on the video--this looks stellar! The smart blocks is so obviously necessary at this point, especially given Sketch's success...! A few thoughts: compatibility with Sketch files and symbols? What's the ability to share and collaborate with others? Can you share smart blocks too? Pricing model?
Vincent Battaglia
@chrismessina Thanks! We plan to work on some Sketch export features pretty soon. About collaboration, the current plan is individual but we are working on a team plan which will allow multiple people to work at the same time on the same presentation. The pricing is here:
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@vinch got it, thanks! Eager to see the collaboration features shape up!
Vincent Battaglia
@chrismessina Awesome! We are available if you have any questions!
Xavier Castaneda
wow, this seems amazing. At our agency, we've used powerpoint, keynote and google slides and never really been satisfied. The features here look amazing. The video does an excellent job of really demonstrating it. Animation support would be killer. We're already looking into this as a solution for agency use. Good work!
Dorian Van Bever
@xcast3d Thanks Xavier ! Surely keep us posted on your agency use-case, we're highly interested in it ! And as said elsewhere, animation are part of the roadmap already :-)
Justin Fyles
@dorian_van_bever @xcast3d Excited for this use case as well. I create at least 3-4 client-facing decks per week with help from designers and account people. I am curious to see how collaboration works with this, especially across disciplines.
Shruti Kaushik
It looks great! I look forward to it. You can change your meta description though. "The web is full of beautiful ideas and services. Ludus is the first one to provide an easy way to gather them all in a single place." It doesn't mention slides; sounds more like automated curation.
Vincent Battaglia
@shrutikaushikit You're right, we'll change that.
Dre Durr💡
This looks so amazing. I feel like I can be a real designer. Dope🚬🚬🚬
Maksym Kholod
Just WOW! Its really looks cool!
Fred Rivett
Congrats on shipping Vincent + team! I had the privilege to play around with Ludus a couple weeks back and it's clear a tonne of attention has gone into it. Even at launch it feels super polished, which I'm sure will increase as the team respond to customer feedback. What I like most about Ludus is that it's just intuitive. It does what you want it to and gets out the way whilst you do it. As any maker will know, delivering an intuitive experience is far from simple, so it impressed me to see this level of polish this early.
Vincent Battaglia
@fredrivett Thanks for you comment! It means a lot!
Jibril  Quincy
Wow!! This is impressively cool. You've given Powtoon something to chew on. However, I do feel that for your product to get a powerful appreciation by users, your team should engage in some free time samples. These should be listed under EXAMPLES or some appropriate word you may choose. And while you do these samples, attached to them the time it took to complete each one. But it's a remarkable product. Cheers!!
Jennifer Le Van
@mou_jb Thanks for your feedback! Indeed, we will provide some tutorials and in the near future, provide assistance to the users who might need some help in the design/production phase.
Criss Cheng
This is lit! Finger-cross that I can become one of the beta testers.
Vincent Battaglia
@criss_cheng You all will!
Subscribed for early beta, this looks really promising. I was having problems putting together a simple video for a presentation. Was stuck using After Effects which is, while powerful, I totally hate to use. Hopefully this makes putting together engaging videos really simple.
Jennifer Le Van
@likalo_llc That's what we are aiming for !
Barthélemy Godin
Hey guys ! First off, great work, looks awesome, can't wait to try it out in the Beta :) But I think I found a (samll) bug in the presentation viewer : You can't seem to be able to use the arrows keys to navigate through the presentation if you hadn't clicked on it before (or do another action like going to fullscreen or using the "next slide" icon). After the click it works just fine though
Barthélemy Godin
Same, when you click to load the 3D model, you have to click on the "next slide" icon if you wanna move forward (or backward for that matter), the arrow keys won't work otherwise
Vincent Battaglia
@godinbar Thanks for the feedback, we'll look into that!
Ivan Dergachev
As a heavy and at the same time frustrated Keynote user, I'm pretty interested in this thing. Any plans to add animation support?
Vincent Battaglia
@dergachoff Definitely! It's in the short-term roadmap!
Dorian Van Bever
@dergachoff This is already on the roadmap, we will keep you posted for sure!
Ross McCurrach
I WANT THIS SO BADLY. PLEASE. I'M DYING OUT HERE. Just for info, how secure is it? And are you implementing multiple users working on the same presa? Thanks, and good luck!
Dorian Van Bever
@ross_mccurrach It's totally secured ! And multiple concurrent users is part of our roadmap, keep you posted :)
Csaba Kissi
This is amazing and affordable. $99/year for individuals is great!
Andrea Halilov

Is a really good and simple tool to make visual presentations.


Visual tool to presentations


still working on some browsers

Jamie Martin
Would be interesting to see if this was a good tool for low-fidelity prototyping
Vincent Battaglia
@livejamie Interesting! We didn't think about that but it could be a possible use, indeed.
Jamie Martin
@vinch Signed up for the beta, would love to provide lots of feedback in regards to prototyping. A lot of us designers use Keynote/Powerpoint for that kind of work already so I can see this being a natural extension of that.
Ankit Singh
WHOA! What a creation, Truly Impressive and yes, limitless. 🤠 You guys just nailed it. Would love to give it a try!
Dorian Van Bever
@_ankitsingh Please subscribe to our beta and we'll grant you prioritary access :-)
Dorian Van Bever
@_ankitsingh okay, I promise you'll be part of the first wave (but I cannot tell when exactly)
Benji Greenberg
@dorian_van_bever signed up on site yesterday, any eta on invites?
Kunal Bhatia
Nice work, @vinch and the Ludus team! Super excited to try out the private beta. Has Ludus been used at any conferences?
Vincent Battaglia
@kunalslab Not yet, because we just launched, but I'll give a workshop in Belgium next week and I'll definitely use Ludus :)
Edward Dennis
Probably a stupid question, but can we export the file in different formats (GIF, MP4) other than 'PPT'?
Lionel Cordier
@edwarddennisau Right now it's only working in Ludus (on the web). We plan to have an offline mode and a PDF export (just in case of ...).