Ken Cucchia

Ludo - Fun online team building games


Ludo is a platform for playing online team building games in the workplace. We built Ludo as a tool to help us bring our teams and people together, and now we want to share it with you. Ludo uses games inspired by popular social games like Werewolf (that we ourselves have a love for).

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Bradley Poulette
Would love to see this integrated with Slack. My organization would never engage in an email-based product, due to the sheer number of emails that are business critical that everyone already has to deal with. Slack is the place where we work AND play, and this would fit well there.
Brian Lavassaur
@bradleypoulette Thanks for the feedback! It's the same for our office, and we are definitely looking into Slack integration. Our Beta will remain focused on email for now though.
Kara Carrell
"make work great again" eh.. πŸ€” πŸ‘ŽπŸΎ
Beth Fiedler
Congrats! Sounds like fun and could be incorporated into team building activities. I'll definitely help out sharing Ludo with my business consulting and program development contacts. πŸ‘Œ
Izzy Piyale-Sheard
This is cool! Looking forward to trying it out. What's revenue model you guys are implementing?
Brian Lavassaur
@izzydoesizzy Thanks! We haven't quite finished hammering out those details yet, we just want people to have fun. Right now we're considering a one-time, per user fee, though.
Tom Pryor
Yeah my team will only use it if it’s on Slack

Games are cool! I wish there is more!


Some great games! Want to play more


Having more games will be cool!

Tried to register myself, no email confirmation, no nothing... Tried twice, what are we supposed to do?
Brian Lavassaur
@hdugo Confirmation emails should have gone out, let us know if you still haven't received one! Beta should start within the next two weeks, and you'll receive an invite. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!