Jason Stirman

Lucid - Mind right, game tight. Mental training for athletes.


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Ryan Hoover
Congrats, @stirman. After ~4 years ago at Medium, why leave and start your own thing?
Jason Stirman
@rrhoover I had spent almost a decade working on systems to help foster the exchange of stories and ideas in the world (Twitter and Medium). After some disruptive life events (don't worry, everyone is ok!) I took a step back to consider what else is important to me. I knew I wanted to start and run a new company, and the vision for Lucid solidified during conversations with my co-founder, Soren Gordhamer, founder of the Wisdom2.0 conference. It's fun to be a founder again and I've never felt so good about the essence of a product I'm building!
Noah Friedman
Love this idea. I've been a competitive athlete for 10+ years and it's amazing how much the mental game is overlooked and under trained. My gut tells me that the "stickiness" factor will be a challenge to scalability. Social validation is important here... I.e. an athlete's teammates using the app as well. Are you planning on selling direct to teams to help overcome this?
Jason Stirman
@noahsfriedman Yep! We are targeting teams, leagues, and large organizations for this exact reason. Several very interesting conversations in progress, stay tuned! Thx for the thoughts!
Tony Stubblebine
Just want to chime in to say how excited I am for launch. Mindfulness needs a champion to teach people that are involved in high performance (sports, business, etc). There's a ton that you can teach to athletes and as another commenter said, this is an area that's severely undertrained.
Jason Stirman
Heya. CEO and Co-founder here. Happy to answer any questions about Lucid, mental training, or just starting a tech company! I founded a few companies before joining the Twitter crew very early on and I most recently helped Ev Williams start Medium, where I ran a few different teams for 4 years. I love tech, mindfulness, and sports... Lucid sits in the intersection of the three and I couldn't be more proud to make this wisdom, these skills, and these life lessons available to everyone, even if you aren't an elite athlete.
Tan Gandhara
@stirman Hi, when do you expect it to be available beyond the US store? Would love to try it but it's not in the UK App Store yet.
Jason Stirman
@tangandhara We'll be expanding to the UK App Store in a week or two, stay tuned :)