With the LottieFiles Desktop App for Mac, you can test your Lottie animations for both web and iOS mobile applications without even opening your browser or whipping out your phone.
Booom! Testing Lottie files on your Mac just got easier with this app!
This was one of the exciting things we've been working on for the last few months and we are thrilled to see it fly and hear your feedbacks.
With this app, you can:
- Drag and drop .json and .lottie files with instant preview
- Double click on any .lottie file or associate .json files to instantly open the app and show you the animation
- Switch between iOS and web player
- Access all your previews
- Make your coffee to help you start the morning
Well, maybe not yet for the last item, but you definitely should get that cup of coffee, download the app and enjoy the magic :)
Finally, I wanted to be able to edit all the lottie files I have and customise them but I always needed the web version of it, now I can easily do this on my computer, will be looking forward to see a search or browsing feature so I can browse any animations and customise them.