Dawson Whitfield

Business Name Generator by Looka - Generate names, check availability, and see logo ideas

💡 Generate thousands of business names in five distinct categories
✅ Check domain and social media availability
😍 See hundreds of logo ideas instantly

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Dawson Whitfield
Hey all! We set out to make a business name generator that was 10x better than what's currently out there. 💡 Not only does our generator create really high quality names (the algorithm itself took months to build), it categorizes them under 5 distinct categories (e.g. invented names, compound names...) so it works for every style of company from new-age startup to traditional bakery. ✅ Our BNG makes it dead easy to check domain and social media availability, Google the company name (to check its reputation and usage), hear it pronounced with multiple accents, check the trademark office, and more. 😍 Best of all, you can see logo ideas on Looka with one click. Naming is something that people always struggle with, and it sucks for the first step of starting something to be a struggle. My hope with the BNG is that it can pump out enough ideas (disclaimer: some will be bad) that you can find a perfect name for your new thing and have a little more success than you would have had otherwise. When I started Logojoy (now Looka), my level of excitement and drive to launch the project about doubled when discovered the name “Logojoy”. Having the right name is a huge motivator. I'll be around all day to answer any questions. Hope you like it :)
Andrew B. Martin
Very excited to see this go live 🚀 We've set out to make a business name generator that gives you great ideas and helps you start your venture with name insights, domain availability, and one click logo ideas. Looking forward to your feedback 🙏
Pramod Rao
Brilliant! Just bought communitypro.io using the tool. Have a good feeling it will be helpful in the near future :)
Andrew B. Martin
@prao25 Thanks for the feedback Pramod! Really happy you found a great domain :)
Tomas Rasymas
Very nice project! 🚀 Are you using AI/ML or algorithmic approach to generate names? Output looks really good sounding 💪
Dawson Whitfield
@tomas_rasymas funny enough, we started working on this when the GPT-3 beta came out, and we were using GPT-3 for a while. But we ultimately moved to a traditional algorithm because we found that we could produce more results, faster, and we could also do a better job of categorizing the names (e.g. compound names, invented names). It took a few days to build the algorithm using GPT-3, it took 3 months to rebuild the algorithm without AI, but the results are much better.
Vick Vahram Antonyan
About time! My favorite tool just released another cool product! 😎Looka 🚀 The domain availability feature reminds me the good old launchaco.com
Andrew B. Martin
@vahramantonyan Thanks for the support Vick!
Luke Swanek
This is a really great idea. It took us months to find and select our first company name, and that name survived for less than a year because of some key items that this helps bring forward. I would highly recommend that anyone starting a new venture use a tool like this to find a good name and brand quickly to allow them to focus on building their product and supporting their customers. Kudos to the Looka team for this one!
Dawson Whitfield
@luke_swanek appreciate it man :) It can be hella tiring to find a great name, and i think a lot of the time people end up settling on something sub-optimal, or pick a name without doing the full due diligence because they just want to move on already
Alex Walther
Hey! Nice idea. :) After trying it one suggestion I'd have is to make "Domains available" more differentiating. Right now, it's telling me that domains are always available but often, the ones I might be after (premium ones like COM or techy ones like IO) aren't. Great job though!
Dawson Whitfield
@alex_walther thanks for the feedback!
?makers Love the product! It works very well, however I have one nitpick: When using any LGBTQ+ Terms the generator provides 'transexual' as a result for brand names, but it never provides transgender. I'm sure this is just a mistake and I want to clarify that Transgender is the correct term. Transexual is not used by the community and is considered a slur. Can you please fix this? Thank you :)
Dawson Whitfield
@jessiecrimsonhart thanks for the note, i'll get this taken care of