Kevin William David

Free Slogan Generator by Logaster - Get dozens of clever slogan ideas for free!!

Logaster Slogan Generator offers every entrepreneur to increase it and create a custom slogan without a waste of time and money!
Besides, filters help to highlight business strengths right in the slogan: unicity, amicability, price, simplicity, etc.

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Anna Filou
Um I chose "Art & Design" and got "Fast delivery 24/7" among other, completely irrelevant slogan proposals 😂
@anna_0x thanks for feedback. First 2 screens - typical slogans by an industry, but then we show common slogans for inspiration. In near future we will separate typical slogans from universal
This is awesome!! Thanks for your launch
Anatoliy Riabyi
@moniru awesome, thanks!
Clifford P
way too generic
Anatoliy Riabyi
@tourkick Our database includes 20 000 slogans, which are grouped into 24 categories. Try it)
Mohamed Kamel
What if i want to upload my logo/icon ?
Anatoliy Riabyi
@mohamed_kamel2 thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, there is no such possibility now.
Andrew Beshara
It’s pretty terrible!
Anatoliy Riabyi
@andrew_beshara Thanks, Andrew! I'm so happy this was useful for you!
Pecot William
Slogan Generator very easy @anatoliy_riabyi Thanks
Roman Suprunenko
Great idea! get to know this closer
IMHO the best slogan generator on the web!